1. Projects for Empowerment of Poor Women through Skill Development, Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) and Awareness against Drug Addiction are being implemented through field NGOs. Besides, two projects relating to prevention/ treatment of HIV/ AIDSand two for coaching of weak students are being implemented directly by SOSVA as an NGO.


  1. These projects aim at skill development among women from the poorer sections in Computer Application, Skin and Hair Care, Homecare of elderly & chronically sick and Cutting and Tailoring for batches of 25 trainees each. The training is imparted by trained staff for a period of six months. The objective is to enable them to get gainful employment or to be self employed. Follow-up with the trainees has revealed that on average more than 50 percent get employed while others work on their own to supplement family income. Every year we have around 80 projects for various skill development activities.


  1. These projects are implemented in rural or urban slums where awareness about health services or their availability is poor and health indicators such as institutional deliveries, sex ratio etc. are lower than the state average. Pregnant women, adolescents and children are the primary target groups under these projects. The objectives are:
  • To create awareness among pregnant women about antenatal and postnatal care, and promote institutional deliveries to reduce maternal and infant mortality.
  • To safeguard the health of children below 6 years of age primarily by promoting breast feedingandvaccination against various diseases.
  • To create awareness among adolescent girls about personal hygiene and to promote the use of sanitary napkins.
  1. NGOs provide hand-holding services to enable access to facilities in Government or private institutions for deliveries and to avail of benefits admissible under various schemes. There has been a significant Improvement in key RCH indicators in the areas where these projects have been implemented. Each NGO covers a population of  14,000 to 15,000.


  1. The focus of this programme has been on creating awareness through campaigns, camps and interactive lectures and debates, declamation and contests etc among students of secondary, senior secondary schools and colleges.



  1. Two projects for prevention of HIV/AIDS among female sex workers (FSWs), Male having sex with male (MSM) and injecting drug users (IDUs) are being implemented directly by SOSVA as an NGO in Phagwara and Chandigarh. The beneficiaries are motivated to undergo tests and receive treatment.


  1. Under this programme, weak students of 3rdstandard are being imparted special coaching after school hours at 70 centres (with 10-15 students each) to bring them at par with regular students. Earlier, as a field NGO, SOSVA had implemented an adult literacy programme in Malerkotla for 8 years, in which over 4000 illiterate women above the age of 14 were taught Punjabi and arithmetic up to class 2 by locally hired teachers. This programme was highly appreciated by the local population.


















  1. The objective of the projects is to empower poor women through skill development. It should, therefore, be ensured that at least 80% of the trainees are from poorer families such as:
  • Those living below poverty line.
  • Those belong to schedule caste.
  • Holders of blue cards (issued by food & supply department for subsidized supply of wheat /atta and dal)
  • Widows and divorced women and
  • Those from families engaged in low income occupations like landless agricultural  workers, unskilled factory labour, construction labour, brick kiln labour, domestic  servants, street hawkers, rickshaw pullers etc. 



  1. Publicity about the programme is done though distribution of handbiils, announcements/posters in religious institutions and through village sarpanches/ pradhans.
  2. Each batch consist of 25 trainees. Efforts should be made to ensure that all 25 trainees are enrolled at the beginning of the session. In any case, no trainee should be enrolled after one month of the start as she will not be able to acquire the necessary skill to utilize the training. The NGO may, if necessary, enroll up to 28 trainees in the beginning so that if up to 3 trainees drop out before completion, 25 trainees would still be able to complete the training.
  3. Minimum educational qualification has not been prescribed (except for computer training and  Home care of elderly & sick where it is  matriculation . It should, however, be ensured that the trainees are able to acquire relevant skills, prepare  note books (in Punjabi or Hindi) and are likely to utilize the training for contributing to family income
  4. A list of trainees will be maintained indicating their address, contact number and socio-economic background (as shown in Para1). This list should be kept up to date by deleting names of women who leave the training midway and adding those who join in their place. It should be ensured that the trainee has not derived benefit under any other similar scheme funded by Govt. The details of trainees should be sent to SOSVA as per details annexed in specific guidelines.
  5. A token amount of Rs. 150/- p.m. will be collected from the trainees as fee, against receipts to be issued by field NGO.



  1. The venue should have adequate accommodation and furniture for trainees and their equipment eg sewing machines, computers etc; it should be well lighted and trainees should have access to suitable toilet facilities.
  2. A banner as per design shown in Annx 3 will be displayed prominently at/ outside the venue.


  1. Syllabi for various programmes are annexed with specific guidelines. In case any additional items or modification in the syllabus  are considered necessary for improving the employability of the trainees, there is no objection to those being made in the syllabus. A monthly breakup of the syllabus to be covered should be sent to SOSVA within 15 days of the start of the project    


  1. The instructor selected to run the programme should be qualified as per guidelines.
  • The instructor should be ITI qualified for Training programme of Cutting & tailoring and skin and hair care programmes.
  • For computer Applications teacher should be Graduate in Computer Science or BCA or BA or B.Sc. with computer science as a subject.
  • For the programme of Care of Elderly and chronically sick persons the trainer should be BSc.
  • For Child Nutrition Project a trained worker with diploma in Nursery training or Elementary Teachers Training should be appointed against post of Woman Worker.

    These have been given in detail in guidelines.


  1. The NGO will arrange for tools, machines, equipment and furniture as mentioned in specific guidelines for each skill programme at  his expense.


  1. Provision has been made in the budget for purchase of raw material. It should be properly utilized for purchase of expendables.  


  1. Training will be conducted at the venue and during timings, approved by SOSVA before start of the project. Any change should be conveyed immediately. Normally training should be for at least 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. In case of power cuts getting imposed during that period, or any other emergency, the timings may be changed but SOSVA should immediately be informed.
  2. The NGO may allow up to 10 days holidays in a year. The list of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.  


  1. All trainees must prepare their practical note books. The teacher should examine

these notebooks once in a week and make necessary corrections.


  1. On completion of training, the trainees will be got examined, preferably by a teacher from the nearest ITI or Govt Polytechnic. Those who clear the test will be given certificates for successful completion of training.


  1. To enable trainees to put their newly acquired skills to productive use they will be gifted sewing machines / hair and skin care kits by SOSVA. Provision for expenditure on the same is made in the project budget. These should be distributed by organising a function within one month of completion of training, only to those trainees who have 80% attendance and pass in their tests.


  1. Since the objective of the scheme is empowerment of women through skill development, it should be ensured that at least the majority of the trainees should be able to contribute to family income either through employment, piece rate work or self employment, within 6 months of completion of training. They should be helped in this by the field NGO.  For this purpose, interaction with prospective employers may also be arranged either by taking trainees to their establishment or inviting them to meet the trainees.  Efforts may also be made to secure loans to the trainees who want to set up their own work, after completion of their training, under Mudra Scheme.

Proper follow up should be done of trainees after completion of the training to find out whether they are able to obtain employment/ self employment and help them to secure it whenever necessary. To this end, a session may be held with trainees of the previous batch after about 3 to 4 months of completion of training to get feedback about the utility of the training and any changes required to improve their chance for self employment or to get employment. The expenditure on this may be met out of provision made in the budget for follow up. A statement showing trainees who have received training in the previous batch and their follow up record should be kept in the format mentioned in the specific guidelines. Where the trainee is found to be not employed/ self employed, efforts made to secure employment and results achieved should be recorded below the statement.


  1. All project documents will be preserved for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of the project for the same area is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received.



  1. These records include the following:
  • Pass book or bank statements.
  • Cash book and ledger.
  • All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant.
  • Audited UC including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet.
  • Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  • Guidelines and instructions issued for implementation of the project by SOSVA.
  • List of women who received training with their addresses.
  • Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.
  • Record of distribution of start-up kits.
  • Result of tests.
  • Record of post training follow-up.



  1.   A separate bank account should be opened as far as possible in which cheques/drafts received for the project should be credited and from which expenditure should be incurred.



  1. The expenditure on each head must, as far as possible, be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. Where it is not possible to do so, for reasons to be given at the time of submission of UCs, it may be exceeded by up to 10%. The total expenditure must, in no case, exceed the overall allocation. Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure on the Project is within the sanctioned budget.


  1. Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the training is held in NGO’s own building the rent is provided in the budget may be paid from the project to the NGO. If training is held in a  building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance etc. of the building.   
  2. All capital expenditure will be met by the NGO so that there is no problem when the center is subsequently closed.
  3. Payment of honorarium to staff, and for all purchases of Rs. 2000/ or more, should be made by cheque or direct credit to payee’s account.


  1. A separate cash book should be maintained in which expenditure incurred on the project should be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for salaries, cash memos for material purchases etc. should be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.
  2. A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, cost of raw material etc.


  1. A stock register of the material purchased out of the grant should be maintained indicating date of purchase with Vr. No. and its issue to trainees. Articles made by the trainees should be retained during the training period so that these can be seen during monitoring visits but may be given to them free of charge after completion of training.
  2. Account books should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Mangers when they visit the centre after informing about the visit. For this

purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, print out of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available.

  1. A Utilization certificate duly audited by the Chartered Accountant along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed format shall be furnished for the grant released as first and second installment within 15 days of the expiry of the period of 6 months from date of start of the project and for the entire period of the grant within 30 days of expiry of the period of the Project. Interest received from bank and fee received from trainees in case of projects for training in skills or amount received for distribution of sanitary napkins at subsidized rates in case of RCH projects should be included under receipt head. If the total expenditure on the project during the year is less than grant in aid received + bank interest + free received from trainees in case of projects for training the unspent amount is to be refunded by cheque/bank draft in favour of SOSVA (N) Social security and incase of RCH  it is SOSVA (N) RCH.


          NGOs may submit the applications for more than one project. However in the beginning only one project is sanctioned. They may,therefore, indicate in the forwarding letter their order of preference if applications for more than one project are sent.

  Detailed guidelines for cutting & tailoring 



  Detailed guidelines for cutting & tailoring 




 The objective of the projects is to empower poor women through skill development. It should, therefore, be ensured that at least 80% of the trainees are from poor families such as:

  1. Those below poverty line
  2. SCs
  3. Holders of smart ration cards/ blue cards
  4. Widows and divorced women and
  5. Those from families engaged in low income occupations like landless agricultural workers,  unskilled factory labour, construction labour, brick kiln labour, domestic servants, street hawkers, rickshaw pullers etc. 

 (Photocopies of SC certificate or BPL/ Blue Card should be kept in the enrolment file. In case of those who do not belong to these categories, information regarding the occupation of the trainee or her parents/husband should be kept in the file.)

  1. Publicity about Programme. Publicity about the programme may be done though announcements/posters in religious institutions and through village sarpanches/ pradhans, etc. The expenditure may be met out of provision for contingencies.


i). Trainees to be Enrolled.Training is to be imparted for 6 months . The batch will consist of 25 trainees . . Efforts should be made to ensure that all 25 trainees are enrolled at the beginning of the session. In any case, no trainee should be enrolled after one month of the start as she will not be able to acquire the necessary skill to utilize the training. The NGO may, if necessary, enroll up to 28 trainees in the beginning so that, if up to 3 trainees drop out before completion, 25 trainees would still be able to complete the training. If by end of batch number of women enrolled is less than 25, SOSVA should be immediately  informed about the number of women enrolled so that decision may be taken whether to continue or discontinue the project.

ii).  Educational Qualification

No minimum education is prescribed. It should, however, be ensured that the trainees are able to acquire relevant skill, prepare their note books (in Punjabi or Hindi) and are likely to utilize the training for contributing to family income. If an illiterate woman has been enrolled, teacher should have her note book prepared from some other trainee so that if needed she can get the note read to her.

iii). Ineligible Trainees. Girls studying in a school or college should not normally be enrolled as they are not likely to utilize the training in the near future for contribution to family income. Women who have received training in the same skill under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana or any other scheme should also not be enrolled.


iv).  List of Trainees. A list of trainees should  be maintained in the format at Annex 1. This list should be kept up to date by deleting names of women who leave the training midway and adding those who join in their place within 1 month of start of training. A copy of the list should be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of the start of batch .In case the list is not received within 7 days of start of training it will be assumed that training was stated from the date on which list was sent by email and salary of the teacher may be allowed from that date.

If any trainee is enrolled thereafter under Para-3, and not later than 1 month of start of training a revised list in Annexure-1 should be sent within one month of the start of  batch.                                                                                           

Note: It should be noted that a trainee has to be included only in one category. For example, if a woman belongs to SC and also is BPL card holder her name should be included only under the col. for SC. If a woman is BPL card holder and also has smart ration card issued by food & supply department her name should be included in the column under BPL Names of only those women will be included under the col. for families engaged in low income occupation who do not belong to SC and also do not have BPL or smart card.

v). Fees for the Programme. Rs. 150/- p.m. should be collected from the trainees as fee, against receipts to be issued by field NGO. The NGO may, if so desired, not collect  the fee from any trainee  who cannot afford it or recover a smaller amount but the same will have to be borne by it from its own resources or by donations.


 Syllabus for the programme is given in Annex 2. In case any additional items or modification in the syllabus  are considered necessary for improving employability of the trainees, there is no objection to those being made in the syllabus. The changes made in the syllabus should be intimated to SOSVA. A monthly breakup of the syllabus to be covered should be sent to SOSVA within 15 days of the start of the project. Its copy should also be kept in the Centre.


5.1)  The teacher should have three year diploma certificate from ITI or a recognized institute.   

5.2)Particulars of the teacher indicating the name, qualification, mobile no. and whether it has facility of whatsapp should be sent within seven days of start of training or where a new teacher is appointed under Para-5.3 within 7 days of her appointment.

  5.3) Where a teacher leaves service, or if she is removed, SOSVA should be informed  immediately. SOSVA should also be informed when a new teacher is appointed within 7 days of her appointment.  Copy of her certificate should also be sent to SOSVA.

5.4) Teachers may be granted leave @1 day per month of service. For any leave taken in excess, salary for extra days of absence should be deducted. Substitute teacher may be appointed, if available, and her honorarium for up to 10 days may be met out of provision under ‘Salaries’, ‘ honorarium’ or ‘Contingencies’.


 Sewing Machines and Other Equipment. The NGO should arrange at least 12 sewing machines and one interlocking machine in good working conditions. The Centre should also have one cutting table, an office table for the teacher and an iron press. Arrangement should also be made for providing small low height stools where trainees can place the machines while cutting the cloth or sewing. The expenditure on purchase of machines, furniture and other equipment will be met by the NGO.. 

  1. Location. Training is to be imparted in the village/ town mentioned in the Sanction letter if it becomes necessary to change the location, prior approval of SOSVA should be obtained giving:
  2. Reasons for the change.
  3. Population of the proposed village/town.
  4. Distance from the NGO’s office.
  5. Whether a suitable qualified teacher for imparting training at that location has been located.
  6. Whether any centre for training in Cutting & Tailoring is being run in that village/town by any other organization. If so, its details.
  7. Accommodation.

8.1)The centre where training is imparted should have adequate accommodation for seating of trainees and their sewing machines. It should be well lit and trainees should have access to suitable toilet facilities.

8.2) Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the NGO imparts training in own building the rent at the rate indicated in the budget will be paid by the project to the NGO. Where the training is held in a building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance of the building. In such cases, only expenditure @ Rs.250/- per month should be shown in the UC and not the entire provision made in the budget for rent. Where the NGO is running two projects at the same location, there is no objection to the same premises being used for both the projects. The rent paid in such cases should be divided between the two projects and charged to such projects within the amount provided in the budget.

  1. Banner / Notice. A banner as per design shown in Annex 3 will be displayed prominently at/ outside the venue. Some modifications in the design may be made as necessary but it should clearly state that the Centre is funded by Punjab Government. A notice in the form as shown in Annex 4 should also prominently be displayed at the Centre.   



10.1) Timings. Training will be conducted at the venue and during timings intimated to SOSVA before start of the project. Any change should be conveyed immediately. Normally, training should be for at least 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. In case of power cuts during that period or any other contingency, the timings may be changed but SOSVA should immediately be informed.

10.2) Holidays.  The NGO may allow holidays up to 10 days in a year. List of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.  

10.3) Attendance. The importance of regular attendance should be drilled into all trainees. The teacher should take daily attendance of the trainees and keep its record in the attendance register. If any trainee does not attend the class for more than 2 days without information, the teacher should contact her and impress on her need for regular attendance. 

10.4)   Raw Material. Provision has been made in the budget for purchase of raw material. It should be properly utilized for purchase of cloth and other material for training. Articles stitched out of cloth supplied out of project funds should be kept by the NGO till the end of training when these  should be given to the trainees. Articles stitched out of material brought by the trainees may be kept by them but they may be asked to bring these to the centre when Chairman/ MD or Programme Manager visit the centre so that they have an idea of the quality of the training.

10.5)  Note-Books. All trainees must prepare their practical note books and sample file. The teacher should examine these notebooks once a week and make necessary corrections. Where an illiterate woman is enrolled, her note books may be written by the teacher or some other traineeIndividual attention should be paid to each trainee to enable her to achieve the desired skill by end of the course.

10.6)  Internal Tests. The trainees should be given tests both for theory and practical work in the 1st week of every month to evaluate their progress and ensure that special attention is given to the aspects in which a particular trainee is weak so that by end of the training all trainees acquire necessary skill. The record of these tests may be kept in the trainees’ notebooks for ready reference

  1. Preparing trainees for employment. Since the objective of the scheme is empowerment of women through skill development, it should be ensured that at least 70% of the trainees are able to contribute to family income either through employment, piece rate work or self employment within 6 months of completion of training. To achieve this objective, it should be ensured that the women are well trained and they should be helped to get employment or piece rate work. For this purpose, interaction with prospective employers may also be arranged either by inviting them to meet the trainees or taking trainees to their establishments leading to on-the-job training during the last month. This would enable them to learn about dealing with customers and other practical aspects of work. Trainees may also be give intensive training in tailoring of those articles in which they may be more interested during the last month of training. Efforts may also be made to help the trainees who want to set up their own work to secure loans from banks under Mudra Scheme or Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme.

Where possible, trainees may be given training in use of Facebook for attracting customers. The trainees whose quality of stitching is very good should be encouraged to display the garment stitched by them on Facebook. When Chairman/Member Directors visit the centre after prior information women who had received training in the previous batch may be asked to come for interaction.



  On completion of training, the students should be got tested preferably by an ITI trained teacher or any other suitably trained teacher and the result of the test (theory+practical) should be maintained by the NGO as per annex.-7. A teacher who has imparted training should not be appointed as examiner for the same class.  The NGO may allow the trainees who fail the test to sit in the class for next batch but their number will not be included in the number of regular trainees enrolled.  

  2. i) Sewing machines: On completion of the training sewing machines will be gifted to women who complete their training. Sewing machines will not be given to trainees who do not complete the training or whose attendance is less than 80%.
  3. Procurement of Machines. Order for the machines will be placed by SOSVA and payment for the same is to be made by NGOs on receipt of machines in good condition, out of budget provision for the same. If any defects are noticed in the machines, these should be conveyed to the supplier for rectification within a week of their delivery with copy to SOSVA for information. In case there is any difficulty in getting machines from the supplier, on whom order has been placed by SOSVA, the Programme Manager should be informed immediately by email or on phone so that the matter may be taken up with the supplier. In no case , machines should be purchased locally without prior approval from SOSVA.
  4. Function to Distribute Sewing Machines. A small function for distribution of sewing machines may be held within one month of completion of training of a batch. Provision for expenditure on the function has been made in the budget. Intimation about the date on which the function is to be held should be sent to SOSVA at least a week in advance. A representative from SOSVA may attend the function, if possible. Otherwise two photos of the function, including one of women receiving sewing machines should be sent to SOSVA. A list of the trainees to whom the sewing machines are distributed should be maintained in the following proforma and their signatures taken in token of receipt. A copy of the list should be sent by email to SOSVA within 7 days.

                          List of trainees to whom sewing  machines were distributed.

Sr. No.

Name of trainee 

Husband’s/ Father’s    Name   


Mobile No








  1. ii) On completion of the training a certificate in the format at Annex 5 may be issued to the women who have completed their training and passed the test. The NGO may modify the certificate, if necessary, but it should clearly mention that the training has been imparted with the help of grant received from Punjab Govt. through SOSVA.



  Proper follow up should be done of trainees after completion of training to find out whether they are able to obtain employment/ self-employment and help them to secure it whenever necessary Provisions has been made in the budget for expenditure as follow up. A statement showing trainees who have received training in the previous batch and their follow up record should be kept in the format at Anx -6.  Status regarding trainees of 2nd batch of the previous  year should be prepared in the beginning of training for current year+status regarding trainees of 1st batch of current year should be prepared  on completion of their training. NGOs which had implemented a project for training in any other skill during the previous year should prepare the statement for second batch of previous year in that skill. Where the trainee is found to be not employed/ self-employed, efforts should be made to secure employment, self employment .If the NGO has been running the project during last year at some other locations even then information regarding their employment should be obtained and kept in form at Annexure-6 and effort made to help the trainees who are found to be not employed/self employed to secure employment. Efforts made and results achieved may be recorded in the statement. Where the trainee subsequently obtains employment/ self employment, information about the same may be entered under relevant columns.

 A session may be held with trainees of the previous batch after about 3 to 4 months of completion of training to get feedback about the utility of training and any changes required to improve their chance for self-employment or to get employment. A brief record of the session, indicating the number of trainees who attended and their feedback should be kept. Any suggestions which may be considered useful should be sent to SOSVA. The expenditure on this may be met out of provision made in the budget for follow up.



  1. i) All communication from SOSVA will be by email. NGOs should also send all communication by email except where original document is to be sent e.g. UCs which should be sent by courier or registered post.


  1. ii) Copy of these guidelines along with the syllabus and instructions that are issued from SOSVA which have to be implemented by a teacher should be given to her.
  3. i) Separate Bank Account. A separate bank account should be opened, as far as possible, in which funds received for the project should be credited and from which expenditure should be incurred.

ii).  Expenditure within Budget Provisions

            The expenditure on each head must, as far as possible, be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. Where it is not possible to do so, for reasons to be given at the time of submission of UCs, it may be exceeded by up to 10%. The total expenditure must, in no case, exceed the overall allocation. Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure on the Project is within the sanctioned budget.

iii). Payments by Cheque. Payment of honorarium to staff, and for all purchases of Rs. 2000/ or more, should be made by cheque or direct credit to payee’s account.

  1. iv) Receipt & Expenditure Register. A separate Receipt & Expenditure Register should be maintained in which grant received from SOSVA, interest received in bank a/c and fee received from trainees should be entered as these are received and expenditure incurred on the project whether in cash or through cheque should be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for salaries, cash memo for material purchases etc. should be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.
  2. v) Ledger. A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, cost of material etc.
  3. vi) Stock Register. A stock register of the material purchased out of the grant should be maintained indicating date of purchase with Vr. No. and its issue to trainees.

vii) Inspection of Accounts. Account books should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Mangers when they visit the centre after prior information. For this purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, a printout of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available. If for some reasons the account cannot be made available on the date of visit, this should be stated at the time when intimation about the proposed visit is conveyed so that if necessary another date for the visit may be fixed. If the accounts are not shown at the time of visit, these will have to be brought to SOSVA’s office for scrutiny at NGO’s cost.

viii)    Utilization Certificates. A utilization certificate along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed form duly audited by a Chartered Accountant and signed by Authority Signatory of NGOs shall be furnished within 30 days of end of the project. Interest received from bank and fees received from trainees should be included under receipt head. If the total expenditure on the project during the year, after excluding excess expenditure incurred under any budget head after allowing 10% excess vide Para 16 (ii) is less than grant received + bank interest + fee received from trainees, the unspent amount should be refunded by ‘payable at par’ cheque/ bank draft drawn in favour of SOSVA (N) Social Security.



Since the project being implemented is funded from the grant given by the State Government, A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project.

 The records to be maintained include the following:

  1. Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  2. Guidelines and instructions issued by SOSVA for implementation of the project.
  3. Pass book or bank statements.
  4. Cash book and ledger.
  5. All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant.
  6. Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.
  7. Audited UCs including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet.
  8. Lists of women, with their addresses and contact numbers, who received training.
  9. Result of tests.
  10. Lists of women who received sewing machines.













 Anx. 1


FROM _____________ TO_______________





































 *1.  SC (Scheduled Caste); BPL (Below Poverty Line); SRC(Smart Ration card or blue card ) LIO (Low Income Occupation);

  1. ENTER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. Thus if a trainee belongs to SC and is also Smart Ration card holder her name should be   ticked  (  √       ) only under SC. If a trainee is BPL card holder and also has a Smart Ration card she should be ticked only under BPL. Trainees belonging to Low Income Occupation families should be so ticked only if they do not belong to SC, BPL or Smart Ration card Holder families. In their case the occupation will be mentioned under this column.


Anx. 2



  • Name of the Trade Cutting and Sewing
  • Duration of training Six months

Machinery Parts and function of

  1. Sewing machines
  2. Over lock and button hole attachments etc.
  • sewing defects and remedies


The trainees are expected to learn the following types of dresses including taking measurement : –

  • Baby Set – Bodice and skirt combination
  • Under Wear – Two types of underwear
  • Jhabla – Four types of Jhabla

– Dori Wala  Jhabla

– Aankh Wala Jhabla

– Strap Wala Jhabla

– Baju Wala Jhabla

  • Frocks – Plain Frock

– Body Frock

– Umbrella frock

  • Petticoats (4 & 6 Pleats)
  • Pyajama Pyjama Churidar, Plain Pyajama, ( Payjami, Plazo – optional)
  • Kurta                                     Nehru, Kurta, Long Kurta
  • Ladies Suits Shirt with different neck lines
  • Ladies Salwar (Belted) Salwar, Plain Salwar, Sharara
  • Blouses Plain Blouse, Cholicut Blouse
  • House Coat Nighty, Night Suit
  • Embroidery Elementary Embroidery work of table cloth and  pillow covers 
  • Gown
  • Lehbga
  • Sarees stitching


  • Running stitch, back stitch, hem stitch, slip stitch
  • Stem Stitch, buttonhole stitch, chain stitch, lazy daisy stitch, cross stitch, split stitch
  • Fixing fasteners: – Button, hooks, eyes, press studs,
  • Shaping a garment by darts, pleats, tucks,
  • Gathering, Smocking, inserting elastic
  • Attaching, collars, sleeves, yokes, lining, patching and darning.

Note – Trainees should have working   knowledge of some of the above mentioned stitches so that they are competent enough to give a fine finish to the stitched garments.


Features and different types of:

  1. Hand stitches
  2. Mending, darning and patching
  • Hemming
  1. Seam finishing
  2. Shaping techniques – pleats, darts, gathers



  • Neck line finishing
  • Sleeves finishing
  • Pockets finishing
  • Cuffs finishing














Anx. 3         

sosvw rwhIM imlI pMjwb srkwr dI gRWt nwl clwieAw jw irhw grIb AorqW nUM islweI isKwan dw kyMdr
















Anx. 4


rohp n’osK bJh  f;bkJh ;?ANo

1)   fJj ;?ANo  gzikp  ;oeko  gk;’  wdo r?o ;oekoh ;z;Ek  ;’;tk d[nkok gqkgs ftsh/  ;jkfJsk Bkb  ubkfJnk ik fojk W .

2)/ Nq/fBzr dk e’o; 6 wjhfBnK dk j’t/rk .

3) Nq/fBzr lYn vwlI hr Aorq nUM 150 rU mhInw PIs ilqI jwvygI  [ tRyinMg Kqm hOx qy aus nUM iek nvI  f;bkJh mSIn idqI jwvygI [

4) Twhd ehsh iKdh hY fe f;fynkoEh jo o’i jkio j’D . i/eo fe;h f;fynkoEh dh jkioh 80% s’A xZN j’t/ sK T[; Bz{ gq’i/eN ftZu’A islweI mSIn nhI idqI jwvygI .

4) nro fe;/ Bz{ ;?ANo d/ ;zpX ftZu fe;h soQK dh e’Jh iSekfJs j’t/ sK T[j j/m fby/ gs/ s/ iSekfJs eo ;edk j?  .

;[;kfJNh cko ;oft; N{ tkbzNoh J/iz;hi

eo{Bk ;dD , ewok Bz 18, gfjbh wzfib , ;?eNo – 11 ph , uzvhrV

Jh w/b gsk –





Anx. 5

Certificate of Completion of Training

Name of NGO


Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and as Amended by Punjab Amendment Act.,1957, Govt. of Punjab





This is to certify that Mrs./ Ms. ____________________________ wife/daughter of Sh. ____________________ Resident of _________________________ has completed six months training from ________________to ___________in ___________________ (Name of skill)  funded by Govt. of Punjab through SOSVA, Punjab as Mother NGO .



Date of issue :                                                                                              Chief Functionary


                                                                                                                        (Stamp of NGO)


Anx – 6




IN (NAME OF SKILL) ________________________________ FROM _____________ TO _____________




























*REMARKS will include reasons for not utilizing the training and help rendered by the NGO.

Anx – 7

Performa for Cutting & Tailoring Examination:

Sr. No

Name of Trainee

Father’s /Husband Name

Marks Obtained

Theory paper

Maximum Marks=100

Practical exam



Practical File

Maximum Marks=25




Total Marks obtained out of 200











































Anx. 1


FROM _____________ TO_______________





































 *1.  SC (Scheduled Caste); BPL (Below Poverty Line); SRC(Smart Ration card); LIO (Low Income Occupation);

  1. ENTER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. Thus if a trainee belongs to SC and is also Smart Ration card holder her name should be   ticked  (  √       ) only under SC. If a trainee is BPL card holder and also has a Smart Ration card she should be ticked only under BPL. Trainees belonging to Low Income Occupation families should be so ticked only if they do not belong to SC, BPL or Smart Ration card Holder families. In their case the occupation will be mentioned under this column.


Anx. 2



  • Name of the Trade Cutting and Sewing
  • Duration of training Six months

Machinery Parts and function of

  1. Sewing machines
  2. Over lock and button hole attachments etc.
  • sewing defects and remedies


The trainees are expected to learn the following types of dresses including taking measurement : –

  • Baby Set – Bodice and skirt combination
  • Under Wear – Two types of underwear
  • Jhabla – Four types of Jhabla

– Dori Wala  Jhabla

– Aankh Wala Jhabla

– Strap Wala Jhabla

– Baju Wala Jhabla

  • Frocks – Plain Frock

– Body Frock

– Umbrella frock

  • Petticoats (4 & 6 Pleats)
  • Pyajama Pyjama Churidar, Plain Pyajama, ( Payjami, Plazo – optional)
  • Kurta                                     Nehru, Kurta, Long Kurta
  • Ladies Suits Shirt with different neck lines
  • Ladies Salwar (Belted) Salwar, Plain Salwar, Sharara
  • Blouses Plain Blouse, Cholicut Blouse
  • House Coat Nighty, Night Suit
  • Embroidery Elementary Embroidery work of table cloth and  pillow covers 
  • Gown
  • Lehbga
  • Sarees stitching


  • Running stitch, back stitch, hem stitch, slip stitch
  • Stem Stitch, buttonhole stitch, chain stitch, lazy daisy stitch, cross stitch, split stitch
  • Fixing fasteners: – Button, hooks, eyes, press studs,
  • Shaping a garment by darts, pleats, tucks,
  • Gathering, Smocking, inserting elastic
  • Attaching, collars, sleeves, yokes, lining, patching and darning.

Note – Trainees should have working   knowledge of some of the above mentioned stitches so that they are competent enough to give a fine finish to the stitched garments.


Features and different types of:

  1. Hand stitches
  2. Mending, darning and patching
  • Hemming
  1. Seam finishing
  2. Shaping techniques – pleats, darts, gathers



  • Neck line finishing
  • Sleeves finishing
  • Pockets finishing
  • Cuffs finishing

















Anx. 3         

sosvw rwhIM imlI pMjwb srkwr dI gRWt nwl clwieAw jw irhw grIb AorqW nUM islweI isKwan dw kyMdr


















Anx. 4


rohp n’osK bJh  f;bkJh ;?ANo

1)   fJj ;?ANo  gzikp  ;oeko  gk;’  wdo r?o ;oekoh ;z;Ek  ;’;tk d[nkok gqkgs ftsh/  ;jkfJsk Bkb  ubkfJnk ik fojk W .

2)/ Nq/fBzr dk e’o; 6 wjhfBnK dk j’t/rk .

3) Nq/fBzr lYn vwlI hr Aorq nUM 150 rU mhInw PIs ilqI jwvygI  [ tRyinMg Kqm hOx qy aus nUM iek nvI  f;bkJh mSIn idqI jwvygI [

4) Twhd ehsh iKdh hY fe f;fynkoEh jo o’i jkio j’D . i/eo fe;h f;fynkoEh dh jkioh 80% s’A xZN j’t/ sK T[; Bz{ gq’i/eN ftZu’A islweI mSIn nhI idqI jwvygI .

4) nro fe;/ Bz{ ;?ANo d/ ;zpX ftZu fe;h soQK dh e’Jh iSekfJs j’t/ sK T[j j/m fby/ gs/ s/ iSekfJs eo ;edk j?  .

;[;kfJNh cko ;oft; N{ tkbzNoh J/iz;hi

eo{Bk ;dD , ewok Bz 18, gfjbh wzfib , ;?eNo – 11 ph , uzvhrV

Jh w/b gsk –





Anx. 5

Certificate of Completion of Training

Name of NGO


Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and as Amended by Punjab Amendment Act.,1957, Govt. of Punjab





This is to certify that Mrs./ Ms. ____________________________ wife/daughter of Sh. ____________________ Resident of _________________________ has completed six months training from ________________to ___________in ___________________ (Name of skill)  funded by Govt. of Punjab through SOSVA, Punjab as Mother NGO .



Date of issue :                                                                                              Chief Functionary


                                                                                                                        (Stamp of NGO)


Anx – 6




IN (NAME OF SKILL) ________________________________ FROM _____________ TO _____________





























*REMARKS will include reasons for not utilizing the training and help rendered by the NGO.

Anx – 7

Performa for Cutting & Tailoring Examination:


Sr. No

Name of Trainee

Father’s /Husband Name

Theory paper

Maximum Marks=100

Practical exam



Practical File

Maximum Marks=25




Total Marks=200

Marks obtained



























  The objective of the projects is to empower poor women through skill development. It should, therefore, be ensured that at least 80% of the trainees are from poor families such as:

  1. Those below poverty line
  2. SCs
  3. Holders of smart ration cards/ blue card
  4. Widows and divorced women and
  5. Those from families engaged in low income occupations like landless   agricultural workers,  unskilled factory labour, construction labour, brick kiln labour, domestic servants, street hawkers, rickshaw pullers etc. 


(Photocopies of SC certificate or BPL/ Blue Card should be kept in the enrolment file. In case of those who do not belong to these categories, information regarding the occupation of the trainee or her parents/husband should be kept in the file.)

  1. 2Publicity about Programme. Publicity about the programme may be done though announcements/posters in religious institutions and through village sarpanches/ pradhans, etc. The expenditure may be met out of provision for contingencies.

i). Trainees to be Enrolled. Training is to be imparted in two batches for  6 months each. Each batch will consist of 25 trainees . Efforts should be made to ensure that all 25 trainees are enrolled at the beginning of the session. In any case, no trainee should be enrolled after one month of the start as she will not be able to acquire the necessary skill to utilize the training. The NGO may, if necessary, enroll up to 28 trainees in the beginning so that, if up to 3 trainees drop out before completion, 25 trainees would still be able to complete the training. If by end of batch number of women enrolled is less than 25, SOSVA should be immediately  informed about the number of women enrolled so that decision may be taken whether to continue or discontinue the project.

ii).  Educational Qualification

No minimum education is prescribed. It should, however, be ensured that the trainees are able to acquire relevant skill, prepare their note books (in Punjabi or Hindi) and are likely to utilize the training for contributing to family income. If an illiterate woman has been enrolled, teacher should have her note book prepared from some other trainee so that if needed she can get the note read to her.

iii). Ineligible Trainees. Girls studying in a school or college should not normally be enrolled as they are not likely to utilize the training in the near future for contribution to family income. Women who have received training in the same skill under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana or any other scheme should also not be enrolled.


iv). List of Trainees. A list of trainees should  be maintained in the format at Annex 1. This list should be kept up to date by deleting names of women who leave the training midway and adding those who join in their place within 1 month of start of training. A copy of the list should be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of the start of batch .In case the list is not received within 7 days of start of training it will be assumed that training was stated from the date on which list was sent by email and salary of the teacher may be allowed from that date.

If any trainee is enrolled thereafter under Para-3, and not later than 1 month of start of training a revised list in Annexure-1 should be sent within one month of the start of  batch.                                                                                           

Note: It should be noted that a trainee has to be included only in one category. For example, if a woman belongs to SC and also is BPL card holder her name should be included only under the col. for SC. If a woman is BPL card holder and also has smart ration card issued by food & supply department her name should be included in the column under BPL Names of only those women will be included under the col. for families engaged in low income occupation who do not belong to SC and also do not have BPL or smart card.

v). Fees for the Programme. Rs. 150/- p.m. should be collected from the trainees as fee, against receipts to be issued by field NGO. The NGO may, if so desired, not collect  the fee from any trainee  who cannot afford it or recover a smaller amount but the same will have to be borne by it from its own resources or by donations.


 Syllabus for the programme is given in Annex 2. In case any additional items or modification in the syllabus  are considered necessary for improving employability of the trainees, there is no objection to those being made in the syllabus. The changes made in the syllabus should be intimated to SOSVA. A monthly breakup of the syllabus to be covered should be sent to SOSVA within 15 days of the start of the project. Its copy should also be kept in the Centre.


5.1)  The teacher should have one year diploma from ITI or a recognized institute. If a suitable trained instructor with diploma is not available inspite of best efforts a teacher with one year certificate from National Council for Vocational Training , Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India or from Orane Institutue which has been recognized by Skill Development Coporation may be selected or continued after prior approval from SOSVA. Copy of the certificate should be sent to SOSVA while seeking approval.

5.2) Particulars of the teacher indicating the name, qualification, mobile no. and whether it has facility of whatsapp should be sent within seven days of start of training or where a new teacher is appointed under Para-5.3 within 7 days of her appointment. Where a teacher leaves service, or if she is removed, SOSVA should be informed immediately. SOSVA should also be informed when a new teacher is appointed within 7 days of her appointment.   

5.3) Teachers may be granted leave @1 day per month of service. For any leave taken in excess, salary for extra days of absence should be deducted. Substitute teacher may be appointed, if available, and her honorarium for up to 10 days may be met out of provision under ‘Salaries’ ‘ honorarium’or ‘Contingencies’.


  1. i) Furniture and Appliances. Articles for imparting training shall be provided in the centre as per Anx. 3. Expenditure on purchase of furniture and other articles for imparting training will be met by the NGO so that there is no problem when the centre is subsequently closed.
  2.  Location.

Training is to be imparted in the village/ town mentioned in the Sanction letter if it becomes necessary to change the location, prior approval of SOSVA should be obtained giving:

  1. Reasons for the change.
  2. Population of the proposed village/town.
  3. Distance from the NGO’s office.
  4. Whether a suitable qualified teacher for imparting training at that location has been located.
  5. Whether any centre for training in Cutting & Tailoring is being run in that village/town by any other organization. If so, its details.
  6. Accommodation.

8.1 The centre where training is imparted should have adequate accommodation for seating of trainees .. It should be well lit and trainees should have access to suitable toilet facilities.

8.2 Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the NGO imparts training in own building the rent at the rate indicated in the budget will be paid by the project to the NGO. Where the training is held in a building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance of the building. In such cases, only expenditure @ Rs.250/- per month should be shown in the UC and not the entire provision made in the budget for rent. Where the NGO is running two projects at the same location, there is no objection to the same premises being used for both the projects. The rent paid in such cases should be divided between the two projects and charged to such projects within the amount provided in the budget.

  1.  Banner / Notice.

  A banner as per design shown in Annex 4 will be displayed prominently at/ outside the venue. Some modifications in the design may be made as necessary but it should clearly state that the Centre is funded by Punjab Government. A notice in the form as shown in Annex 5 should also prominently be displayed at the Centre.


10.1).  Timings. Training will be conducted at the venue and during timings intimated to SOSVA before start of the project. Any change should be conveyed immediately. Normally, training should be for at least 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. In case of power cuts during that period or any other contingency, the timings may be changed but SOSVA should immediately be informed.

10.2) Holidays.  The NGO may allow holidays up to 10 days in a year. List of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.  

10.3) Attendance. The importance of regular attendance should be drilled into all trainees. The teacher should take daily attendance of the trainees and keep its record in the attendance register. If any trainee does not attend the class for more than 2 days without information, the teacher should contact her and impress on her need for regular attendance. 

10.4) Note-Books. All trainees must prepare their practical note books and sample file. The teacher should examine these notebooks once a week and make necessary corrections. Where an illiterate woman is enrolled, her note books may be written by the teacher or some other traineeIndividual attention should be paid to each trainee to enable her to achieve the desired skill by end of the course.

10.5 Internal Tests. The trainees should be given tests both for theory and practical work in the 1st week of every month to evaluate their progress and ensure that special attention is given to the aspects in which a particular trainee is weak so that by end of the training all trainees acquire necessary skill. The record of these tests may be kept in the trainees’ notebooks for ready reference.

  1. Preparing trainees for emplolyment. Since the objective of the scheme is empowerment of women through skill development, it should be ensured that at least 70% of the trainees are able to contribute to family income either through employment, or self employment within 6 months of completion of training. To achieve this objective, it should be ensured that the women are well trained and they should be helped to get employment. For this purpose, interaction with prospective employers may also be arranged either by inviting them to meet the trainees or taking trainees to their establishments leading to on-the-job training during the last month. This would enable them to learn about dealing with customers and other practical aspects of work. Efforts may also be made to help the trainees who want to set up their own work to secure loans from banks under Mudra Scheme or Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme.

Where possible, trainees may be given training for attracting customers. When Chairman/Member Directors visit the centre after prior information women who had received training in the previous batch may be asked to come for interaction.


 On completion of training, the students should be got tested preferably by an ITI trained teacher or any other suitably trained teacher and the result of the test (theory+practical as per annexure-6 enclosed) should be maintained by the NGO. A teacher who has imparted training should not be appointed as examiner for the same class.  The NGO may allow the trainees who fail the test to sit in the class for next batch but their number will not be included in the number of regular trainees enrolled under Para 3.


13.1) Start-Up kits. A provision has been made in the budget for gifting beauty kits to women who complete their training. The kit will, however, not be given to a trainee who does not complete the training or whose attendance is less than 80%.

A suggested list of items to be included in the kit :





Hair Dryer 






Massage cream ( Facial Kit )



waterproof appron



Manicure – Tool kit ( Tweezer ,scissor, nail cutter, nail filer, nail pusher and blackhead remover )



Wax Heater



Powder (Small)



Cotton (small)



waxing cream



Spechular (wax Knife)



Gadget for Straightening Hair





13.2) Function to Distribute Beauty Kits.

  1. a) A small function for distribution of beauty kits may be held within one month of completion of training of a batch. Intimation about the date on which the function is to be held should be sent to SOSVA at least a week in advance. A representative from SOSVA may attend the function, if possible. Otherwise two photos of the function, including one of women receiving beauty kits should be sent to SOSVA. A list of the trainees to whom the beauty kits are distributed should be maintained in the following proforma and their signatures taken in token of receipt. A copy of the list should be sent by email to SOSVA within 7 days. A copy of the list should be sent by email to SOSVA within 7 day.

                    List of trainees to whom  Beauty kits were distributed.

Sr. No.

Name of trainee 

Husband’s/ Father’s    Name     


Mobile No








  1. b) On completion of the training a certificate in the format at Annex 7 may be issued to the women who have completed their training and passed the test. The NGO may modify the certificate, if necessary, but it should clearly mention that the training has been imparted with the help of grant received from Punjab Govt. through SOSVA.

  Proper follow up should be done of trainees after completion of training to find out whether they are able to obtain employment/ self-employment and help them to secure it whenever necessary Provisions has been made in the budget for expenditure as follow up. A statement showing trainees who have received training in the previous batch and their follow up record should be kept in the format at Anx -8.  Status regarding trainees of 2nd batch of the previous  year should be prepared in the beginning of training for current year+status regarding trainees of 1st batch of current year should be prepared  on completion of their training. NGOs which had implemented a project for training in any other skill during the previous year should prepare the statement for second batch of previous year in that skill. Where the trainee is found to be not employed/ self-employed, efforts should be made to secure employment, self employment .If the NGO has been running the project during last year at some other locations even then information regarding their employment should be obtained and kept in form at Annexure-8 and effort made to help the trainees who are found to be not employed/self employed to secure employment. Efforts made and results achieved may be recorded in the statement. Where the trainee subsequently obtains employment/ self employment, information about the same may be entered under relevant columns.

A session may be held with trainees of the previous batch after about 3 to 4 months of completion of training to get feedback about the utility of training and any changes required to improve their chance for self-employment or to get employment. A brief record of the session, indicating the number of trainees who attended and their feedback should be kept. Any suggestions which may be considered useful should be sent to SOSVA. The expenditure on this may be met out of provision made in the budget for follow up.


15.1) All communication from SOSVA will be by email. NGOs should also send all communication by email except where original document is to be sent e.g. UCs which should be sent by courier or registered post.

15.2)    Copy of these guidelines along with the syllabus and instructions that are issued from SOSVA which have to be implemented by a teacher should be given to her.


16.1)  Separate Bank Account. A separate bank account should be opened, as far as possible, in which funds received for the project should be credited and from which expenditure should be incurred.

16.2)  Expenditure within Budget Provisions

            The expenditure on each head must, as far as possible, be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. Where it is not possible to do so, for reasons to be given at the time of submission of UCs, it may be exceeded by up to 10%. The total expenditure must, in no case, exceed the overall allocation. Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure on the Project is within the sanctioned budget.

16.3)   Payments by Cheque. Payment of honorarium to staff, and for all purchases of Rs. 2000/ or more, should be made by cheque or direct credit to payee’s account.

16.4)  Receipt & Expenditure Register.  A separate Receipt & Expenditure Register should be maintained in which grant received from SOSVA, interest received in bank a/c and fee received from trainees should be entered as these are received and expenditure incurred on the project whether in cash or through cheque should be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for salaries, cash memo for material purchases etc. should be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.

16.5) Ledger. A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, cost of material etc.

16.6)  Stock Register. A stock register of the material purchased out of the grant should be maintained indicating date of purchase with Vr. No. and its issue to trainees.

16.7)  Inspection of Accounts. Account books should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Mangers when they visit the centre after prior information. For this purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, a printout of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available.

16.8) Utilization Certificates. A utilization certificate along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed form duly audited by a Chartered Accountant and signed by Authority Signatory of NGOs shall be furnished within 30 days of end of the project. Interest received from bank and fees received from trainees should be included under receipt head. If the total expenditure on the project during the year, after excluding excess expenditure incurred under any budget head after allowing 10% excess vide Para 16 (ii) is less than grant received + bank interest + fee received from trainees, the unspent amount should be refunded by ‘payable at par’ cheque/ bank draft drawn in favour of SOSVA (N) Social Security.


Since the project being implemented is funded from the grant given by the State Government, A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project.

The records to be maintained include the following:

  1. Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  2. Guidelines and instructions issued by SOSVA for implementation of the project.
  3. Pass book or bank statements.
  4. Cash book and ledger.
  5. All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant.
  6. Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.
  7. Audited UCs including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet.
  8. Lists of women, with their addresses and contact numbers, who received training.
  9. Result of tests.
  10. Lists of women who received start up kits.














 Anx. 1


FROM _____________ TO_______________





































 *1.  SC (Scheduled Caste); BPL (Below Poverty Line); SRC(Smart Ration card); LIO (Low Income Occupation);

2.ENTER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. Thus if a trainee belongs to SC and is also Smart Ration card holder her name should be   ticked  (  √       ) only under SC. If a trainee is BPL card holder and also has a Smart Ration card she should be ticked only under BPL. Trainees belonging to Low Income Occupation families should be so ticked only if they do not belong to SC, BPL or Smart Ration card Holder families. In their case the occupation will be mentioned under this column.





A         Skin Care                           

                                                            Demonstration and Practical

            Written & Practical            

  • Manicure
  • Pedicure
  • Bleaching
  • Facial
  • Threading
  • Waxing
  • Massage

B         Make up

Written & Practical            

  • Bridal Makeup
  • Party Makeup
  • Simple Makeup
  • Day Makeup
  • Night Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
  • Dress up

C         Hair Care

Written & Practical

  • Hair styling
  • Hair cutting & colouring
  • Hair problems

D         Mehandi

Written & Practical

  • Hair Mehandi
  • Bridal Mehandi  
  • Tattoo Mehandi
  • Block Mehandi
  • Traditional Mehandi
  • Simple Mehandi  
  • Arabian Mehandi  
  • Foot Mehandi  
  • How to prepare Mehndi and keeps of different kinds

                                                                                                               Anx. 3   

Infrastructure/List of articles to be provided in centre for Skin and Hair Care


A room that has been hired for setting up a parlour should have adequate space for the trainees.  Instruments should be hygienically clean. Main items required are given below:-

  1. Chairs- 4-5
  2. Tables- 2
  3. Long Mirror- 1
  4. Small Mirror- 2
  5. Almirah- 1
  6. Long Gowns- 2
  7. Bed for massage and facial- 1
  8. Water Heater 1
  9. Towels 2


List of articles

  1. Bleaching:-
  2. Cream Bleach- cream & activator.
  3. Powder Bleach- powder, soap, liquid-ammonia .
  4. Herbal Bleach- milk powder, liquid-ammonia.
  5. Natural Bleach- lemon, orange, honey, potato, cucumber.
  6. Manicure-Pedicure:-

Small tub, shampoo, liquid ammonia drops, massage cream, pumice stone, scrubber, nail cutter, nail filer, water proof apron, small stool, astringent, towel.

  1. Threading:-

Thread, powder, cotton, tweezers, anti-septic liquid.

  1. Facial:-

A bed for massaging, massage cream, moisturizer, face powder, face packs, eye brow pencil, eye liner, mascara, lip gloss, foundation cream.

  1. Hair Care:-

Hair brush-1, combs-2, hair puff rolls-2, hair bands, hair curlers, scissors, gadget for straightening hair, gadget for trimming hair, hair dryer, colouring hair, shampoo.

  1. Waxing:-

Waxing strips, powder wax, knife, lotion, wax heater.


  1. Mehndi:-


           Mehndi powder, mehndi cone, lemon juice.

These are very basic items. More items may be added as per requirement of the trainees.
















                                                                                                               Anx. 4  





sosvw rwhIM imlI pMjwb srkwr dI gRWt nwl clwieAw jw irhw grIb AorqW nUM ਚਮੜੀ ਅਤੇ ਵਾਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਦੇਖਭਾਲ ਦੀ ਸਿਖਲਾਈ dw kyMdr













Anx. 5


rohp n’osK bJh ਚਮੜੀ ਅਤੇ ਵਾਲਾਂ ਦੀ ਦੇਖਭਾਲ ਦk ਸਿਖਲਾਈ  ;?ANo

1) fJj ;?ANo  gzikp  ;oeko  gk;’  wdo r?o ;oekoh ;z;Ek  ;’;tk d[nkok gqkgs ftsh/  ;jkfJsk Bkb  ubkfJnk ik fojk W .

2)/ Nq/fBzr dk e’o; 6 wjhfBnK dk j’t/rk .

3) Nq/fBzr lYn vwlI hr Aorq nUM 150 rU mhInw PIs ilqI jwvygI  [ tRyinMg Kqm hOx qy aus nUM iek ibautI ਕਿੱਟ idqI jwvygI [

4) Twhd ehsh iKdh hY fe f;fynkoEh jo o’i jkio j’D . i/eo fe;h f;fynkoEh dh jkioh 80% s’A xZN j’t/ sK T[; Bz{ gq’i/eN ftZu’A ibautI ਕਿੱਟ nhI idqI jwvygI .

4) nro fe;/ Bz{ ;?ANo d/ ;zpX ftZu fe;h soQK dh e’Jh iSekfJs j’t/ sK T[j j/m fby/ gs/ s/ iSekfJs eo ;edk j?  .

;[;kfJNh cko ;oft; N{ tkbzNoh J/iz;hi

eo{Bk ;dD , ewok Bz 18, gfjbh wzfib , ;?eNo – 11 ph , uzvhrV

Jh w/b gsk –










Anx – 6

 Performa for Skin & Hair Care Examination:

Sr. No

Name of Trainee

Father’s /Husband Name

Marks Obtained

Theory paper

Maximum Marks=100

Practical exam



Practical File

Maximum Marks=25




Total Marks obtained out of 200
























































































































































































kely to utilize the training for contributing to family income. If an illiterate woman has been enrolled, teacher should have her note book prepared from some other trainee so that if needed she can get the note read to her.

3.3)  Ineligible Trainees. Girls studying in a school or college should not normally be enrolled as they are not likely to utilize the training in the near future for contribution to family income. Women who have received training in the same skill under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana or any other scheme should also not be enrolled.

3.4)  List of Trainees. A list of trainees should be maintained in the format at Annex 1. This list should be kept up to date by deleting names of women who leave the training midway and adding those who join in their place within 1 month of start of training. A copy of the list for the 1st batch should be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of the start of the 1st batch and list of 2nd batch within 7 days of beginning of 2nd batch.  In case the list is not received within 7 days of start of training it will be assumed that training was stated from the date on which list was sent by email and salary of the teacher may be allowed from that date.

If any trainee is enrolled thereafter under Para-3, and not later than 1 month of start of training a revised list in Annexure-1 should be sent within one month of the start of  batch.                                                                                            

Note: It should be noted that a trainee has to be included only in one category. For example, if a woman belongs to SC and also is BPL card holder her name should be included only under the col. for SC. If a woman is BPL card holder and also has smart ration card issued by food & supply department her name should be included in the column under BPL Names of only those women will be included under the col. for families engaged in low income occupation who do not belong to SC and also do not have BPL or smart card.

  1. Fees for the Programme. Rs. 150/- p.m. should be collected from the trainees as fee, against receipts to be issued by field NGO. The NGO may, if so desired, not collect the fee from any trainee the trainees who cannot afford it or recover a smaller amount but the same will have to be borne by it from its own resources or by donations.

 Syllabus for the programme is given in Annex 2. In case any additional items or modification in the syllabus  are considered necessary for improving employability of the trainees, there is no objection to those being made in the syllabus. The changes made in the syllabus should be intimated to SOSVA. A monthly breakup of the syllabus to be covered should be sent to SOSVA within 15 days of the start of the project. Its copy should also be kept in the Centre.


6.1)  The teacher should have one year diploma from ITI or a recognized institute. If a suitable trained instructor with diploma is not available inspite of best efforts a teacher with one year certificate from National Council for Vocational Training , Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India or from Orane Institutue which has been recognized by Skill Development Coporation may be selected or continued after prior approval from SOSVA. Copy of the certificate should be sent to SOSVA while seeking approval.

6.2) Particulars of the teacher indicating the name, qualification, mobile no. and whether it has facility of whatsapp should be sent within seven days of start of training or where a new teacher is appointed under Para-5.3 within 7 days of her appointment. Where a teacher leaves service, or if she is removed, SOSVA should be informed immediately. SOSVA should also be informed when a new teacher is appointed within 7 days of her appointment.   

6.3) Teachers may be granted leave @1 day per month of service. For any leave taken in excess, salary for extra days of absence should be deducted. Substitute teacher may be appointed, if available, and her honorarium for up to 10 days may be met out of provision under ‘Salaries’ ‘ honorarium’or ‘Contingencies’.

  2. i) Furniture and Appliances. Articles for imparting training shall be provided in the centre as per Anx. 3. Expenditure on purchase of furniture and other articles for imparting training will be met by the NGO so that there is no problem when the centre is subsequently closed.
  3. ii) Location. Training is to be imparted in the village/ town mentioned in the Sanction letter if it becomes necessary to change the location, prior approval of SOSVA should be obtained giving:
  4. Reasons for the change.
  5. Population of the proposed village/town.
  6.   Distance from the NGO’s office.
  7.   Whether a suitable qualified teacher for imparting training at that location has been located.
  8. Whether any centre for training in Cutting & Tailoring is being run in that village/town by any other organization. If so, its details.

iii) Accommodation.

  1. The centre where training is imparted should have adequate accommodation for seating of trainees and their sewing machines. It should be well lit and trainees should have access to suitable toilet facilities.
  2. Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the NGO imparts training in own building the rent at the rate indicated in the budget will be paid by the project to the NGO. Where the training is held in a building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance of the building. In such cases, only expenditure @ Rs.250/- per month should be shown in the UC and not the entire provision made in the budget for rent. Where the NGO is running two projects at the same location, there is no objection to the same premises being used for both the projects. The rent paid in such cases should be divided between the two projects and charged to such projects within the amount provided in the budget.
  3. iv) Banner / Notice. A banner as per design shown in Annex 4 will be displayed prominently at/ outside the venue. Some modifications in the design may be made as necessary but it should clearly state that the Centre is funded by Punjab Government. A notice in the form as shown in Annex 5 should also prominently be displayed at the Centre.

8.1).  Timings. Training will be conducted at the venue and during timings intimated to SOSVA before start of the project. Any change should be conveyed immediately. Normally, training should be for at least 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. In case of power cuts during that period or any other contingency, the timings may be changed but SOSVA should immediately be informed.

8.2) Holidays.  The NGO may allow holidays up to 10 days in a year. List of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.  

8.3) Attendance. The importance of regular attendance should be drilled into all trainees. The teacher should take daily attendance of the trainees and keep its record in the attendance register. If any trainee does not attend the class for more than 2 days without information, the teacher should contact her and impress on her need for regular attendance. 


8.4) Note-Books. All trainees must prepare their practical note books and sample file. The teacher should examine these notebooks once a week and make necessary corrections. Where an illiterate woman is enrolled, her note books may be written by the teacher or some other trainee. Individual attention should be paid to each trainee to enable her to achieve the desired skill by end of the course.


  1. Internal Tests. The trainees should be given tests both for theory and practical work in the 1st week of every month to evaluate their progress and ensure that special attention is given to the aspects in which a particular trainee is weak so that by end of the training all trainees acquire necessary skill. The record of these tests may be kept in the trainees’ notebooks for ready reference.
  2. Preparing trainees for emplolyment. Since the objective of the scheme is empowerment of women through skill development, it should be ensured that at least 70% of the trainees are able to contribute to family income either through employment, or self employment within 6 months of completion of training. To achieve this objective, it should be ensured that the women are well trained and they should be helped to get employment. For this purpose, interaction with prospective employers may also be arranged either by inviting them to meet the trainees or taking trainees to their establishments leading to on-the-job training during the last month. This would enable them to learn about dealing with customers and other practical aspects of work. Efforts may also be made to help the trainees who want to set up their own work to secure loans from banks under Mudra Scheme or Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme.

Where possible, trainees may be given training for attracting customers. When Chairman/Member Directors visit the centre after prior information women who had received training in the previous batch may be asked to come for interaction.


 On completion of training, the students should be got tested preferably by an ITI trained teacher or any other suitably trained teacher and the result of the test (theory+practical as per annexure-6 enclosed) should be maintained by the NGO. A teacher who has imparted training should not be appointed as examiner for the same class.  The NGO may allow the trainees who fail the test to sit in the class for next batch but their number will not be included in the number of regular trainees enrolled under Para 3.




12.1) Start-Up kits. A provision has been made in the budget for gifting beauty kits to women who complete their training. The kit will, however, not be given to a trainee who does not complete the training or whose attendance is less than 80%.

A suggested list of items to be included in the kit :





Hair Dryer 






Massage cream ( Facial Kit )



waterproof appron



Manicure – Tool kit ( Tweezer ,scissor, nail cutter, nail filer, nail pusher and blackhead remover )



Wax Heater



Powder (Small)



Cotton (small)



waxing cream



Spechular (wax Knife)



Gadget for Straightening Hair




12.2) Function to Distribute Beauty Kits.

  1. a) A small function for distribution of beauty kits may be held within one month of completion of training of a batch. Intimation about the date on which the function is to be held should be sent to SOSVA at least a week in advance. A representative from SOSVA may attend the function, if possible. Otherwise two photos of the function, including one of women receiving beauty kits should be sent to SOSVA. A list of the trainees to whom the beauty kits are distributed should be maintained in the following proforma and their signatures taken in token of receipt. A copy of the list should be sent by email to SOSVA within 7 days. A copy of the list should be sent by email to SOSVA within 7 day.

                    List of trainees to whom  Beauty kits were distributed.

Sr. No.

Name of trainee 

Husband’s/ Father’s    Name     


Mobile No








  1. b) On completion of the training a certificate in the format at Annex 7 may be issued to the women who have completed their training and passed the test. The NGO may modify the certificate, if necessary, but it should clearly mention that the training has been imparted with the help of grant received from Punjab Govt. through SOSVA.

  Proper follow up should be done of trainees after completion of training to find out whether they are able to obtain employment/ self-employment and help them to secure it whenever necessary Provisions has been made in the budget for expenditure as follow up. A statement showing trainees who have received training in the previous batch and their follow up record should be kept in the format at Anx -8.  Status regarding trainees of 2nd batch of the previous  year should be prepared in the beginning of training for current year+status regarding trainees of 1st batch of current year should be prepared indicating on completion of their training. NGOs which had implemented a project for training in any other skill during the previous year should prepare the statement for second batch of previous year in that skill. Where the trainee is found to be not employed/ self-employed, efforts should be made to secure employment, self employment even if the NGO has been running the project during current year at some other locations or in a different skill. Efforts made and results achieved may be recorded in the statement. Where the trainee subsequently obtains employment/ self employment, information about the same may be entered under relevant columns.

A session may be held with trainees of the previous batch after about 3 to 4 months of completion of training to get feedback about the utility of training and any changes required to improve their chance for self-employment or to get employment. A brief record of the session, indicating the number of trainees who attended and their feedback should be kept. Any suggestions which may be considered useful should be sent to SOSVA. The expenditure on this may be met out of provision made in the budget for follow up.


14.1) All communication from SOSVA will be by email. NGOs should also send all communication by email except where original document is to be sent e.g. UCs which should be sent by courier or registered post.


14.2)    Copy of these guidelines along with the syllabus and instructions that are issued from SOSVA which have to be implemented by a teacher should be given to her.


15.1)  Separate Bank Account. A separate bank account should be opened, as far as possible, in which funds received for the project should be credited and from which expenditure should be incurred.

15.2)  Expenditure within Budget Provisions

            The expenditure on each head must, as far as possible, be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. Where it is not possible to do so, for reasons to be given at the time of submission of UCs, it may be exceeded by up to 10%. The total expenditure must, in no case, exceed the overall allocation. Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure on the Project is within the sanctioned budget.

15.3)   Payments by Cheque. Payment of honorarium to staff, and for all purchases of Rs. 2000/ or more, should be made by cheque or direct credit to payee’s account.

15.4)  Receipt & Expenditure Register.  A separate Receipt & Expenditure Register should be maintained in which grant received from SOSVA, interest received in bank a/c and fee received from trainees should be entered as these are received and expenditure incurred on the project whether in cash or through cheque should be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for salaries, cash memo for material purchases etc. should be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.

15.5) Ledger. A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, cost of material etc.

15.6)  Stock Register. A stock register of the material purchased out of the grant should be maintained indicating date of purchase with Vr. No. and its issue to trainees.

15.7)  Inspection of Accounts. Account books should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Mangers when they visit the centre after prior information. For this purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, a printout of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available.

15.8)  Utilization Certificates. A utilization certificate along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed form duly audited by a Chartered Accountant and signed by Authority Signatory of NGOs shall be furnished for the grant released for half year within the period specified in the letter sending the installment covering the half year and for the whole period of the grant within 20 days of expiry of that period. Interest received from bank and fees received from trainees should be included under receipt head. If the total expenditure on the project during the year, after excluding expenditure incurred under any budget head after allowing 10% excess vide Para 15.2 is less than grant received + bank interest + fee received from trainees, the unspent amount should be refunded by ‘payable at par’ cheque/ bank draft drawn in favour of SOSVA (N) Social Security.


  2. Since the project being implemented is funded from the grant given by the State Government, A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of the project for the same area is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received. Thus for example if the project is implemented at a particular place for 3 years during 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19, the record for all these 3 years should be preserved till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022 . If the project has been implemented only for 2 years say 2017-18 and 2018-19 and discontinued thereafter, the record for these 2 years should be maintained at least till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022.


  1. The records to be maintained include the following:
  2. Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  3. Guidelines and instructions issued by SOSVA for implementation of the project.
  4. Pass book or bank statements.
  5. Cash book and ledger.
  6. All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant.
  7. Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.
  8. Audited UCs including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet.
  9. Lists of women, with their addresses and contact numbers, who received training.
  10. Result of tests.
  11. Lists of women who received start up kits.





















Anx. 1


FROM _____________ TO_______________





































 *1.  SC (Scheduled Caste); BPL (Below Poverty Line); SRC(Smart Ration card); LIO (Low Income Occupation);

  1. ENTER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. Thus if a trainee belongs to SC and is also Smart Ration card holder her name should be   ticked  (  √       ) only under SC. If a trainee is BPL card holder and also has a Smart Ration card she should be ticked only under BPL. Trainees belonging to Low Income Occupation families should be so ticked only if they do not belong to SC, BPL or Smart Ration card Holder families. In their case the occupation will be mentioned under this column.







A         Skin Care                           


                                                           Demonstration and Practical

            Written & Practical            

  • Manicure
  • Pedicure
  • Bleaching
  • Facial
  • Threading
  • Waxing
  • Massage

B         Make up

Written & Practical            

  • Bridal Makeup
  • Party Makeup
  • Simple Makeup
  • Day Makeup
  • Night Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
  • Dress up

C         Hair Care

Written & Practical

  • Hair styling
  • Hair cutting & colouring
  • Hair problems

D         Mehandi

Written & Practical

  • Hair Mehandi
  • Bridal Mehandi  
  • Tattoo Mehandi
  • Block Mehandi
  • Traditional Mehandi
  • Simple Mehandi  
  • Arabian Mehandi  
  • Foot Mehandi  
  • How to prepare Mehndi and keeps of different kinds


                                                                                                               Anx. 3   

Infrastructure/List of articles to be provided in centre for Skin and Hair Care


A room that has been hired for setting up a parlour should have adequate space for the trainees.  Instruments should be hygienically clean. Main items required are given below:-

  1. Chairs- 4-5
  2. Tables- 2
  3. Long Mirror- 1
  4. Small Mirror- 2
  5. Almirah- 1
  6. Long Gowns- 2
  7. Bed for massage and facial- 1
  8. Water Heater 1
  9. Towels 2


List of articles

  1. Bleaching:-
  2. Cream Bleach- cream & activator.
  3. Powder Bleach- powder, soap, liquid-ammonia .
  4. Herbal Bleach- milk powder, liquid-ammonia.
  5. Natural Bleach- lemon, orange, honey, potato, cucumber.
  6. Manicure-Pedicure:-

Small tub, shampoo, liquid ammonia drops, massage cream, pumice stone, scrubber, nail cutter, nail filer, water proof apron, small stool, astringent, towel.

  1. Threading:-

Thread, powder, cotton, tweezers, anti-septic liquid.

  1. Facial:-

A bed for massaging, massage cream, moisturizer, face powder, face packs, eye brow pencil, eye liner, mascara, lip gloss, foundation cream.

  1. Hair Care:-

Hair brush-1, combs-2, hair puff rolls-2, hair bands, hair curlers, scissors, gadget for straightening hair, gadget for trimming hair, hair dryer, colouring hair, shampoo.

  1. Waxing:-

Waxing strips, powder wax, knife, lotion, wax heater.


  1. Mehndi:-


           Mehndi powder, mehndi cone, lemon juice.

These are very basic items. More items may be added as per requirement of the trainees.


                                                                                                               Anx. 4  



sosvw rwhIM imlI pMjwb srkwr dI gRWt nwl clwieAw jw irhw grIb AorqW nUM islweI isKwan dw kyMdr




Anx. 5


rohp n’osK bJh  f;bkJh ;?ANo

1)      fJj ;?ANo  gzikp  ;oeko  gk;’  wdo r?o ;oekoh ;z;Ek  ;’;tk d[nkok gqkgs ftsh/  ;jkfJsk Bkb  ubkfJnk ik fojk W .

2)/ Nq/fBzr dk e’o; 6 wjhfBnK dk j’t/rk .

3) Nq/fBzr lYn vwlI hr Aorq nUM 150 rU mhInw PIs ilqI jwvygI  [ tRyinMg Kqm hOx qy aus nUM iek nvI  f;bkJh mSIn idqI jwvygI [

4) Twhd ehsh iKdh hY fe f;fynkoEh jo o’i jkio j’D . i/eo fe;h f;fynkoEh dh jkioh 80% s’A xZN j’t/ sK T[; Bz{ gq’i/eN ftZu’A islweI mSIn nhI idqI jwvygI .

4) nro fe;/ Bz{ ;?ANo d/ ;zpX ftZu fe;h soQK dh e’Jh iSekfJs j’t/ sK T[j j/m fby/ gs/ s/ iSekfJs eo ;edk j?  .

;[;kfJNh cko ;oft; N{ tkbzNoh J/iz;hi

eo{Bk ;dD , ewok Bz 18, gfjbh wzfib , ;?eNo – 11 ph , uzvhrV

Jh w/b gsk –





Anx – 6


Performa for Skin & Hair Care Examination:

Sr. No

Name of Trainee

Father’s /Husband Name

Theory paper

Maximum Marks=50

Practical Hair Style



Practical Mehndi

Maximum Marks=25

Practical Make Up





Maximum Marks=25

Practical Files

Max Marks=25

Total Marks=175

Marks Obtained





















































Anx. 7

Certificate of Completion of Training


Name of NGO


Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and as Amended by Punjab Amendment Act.,1957, Govt. of Punjab





This is to certify that Mrs./ Ms. ____________________________ wife/daughter of Sh. ____________________ Resident of _________________________ has completed six months training from ________________to ___________in ___________________ (Name of skill)  funded by Govt. of Punjab through SOSVA, Punjab as Mother NGO .




Date of Issue :                                                                                              Chief Functionary


                                                                                                                        (Stamp of NGO)


Anx – 8




IN (NAME OF SKILL) ________________________________ FROM _____________ TO _____________





























*REMARKS will include reasons for not utilizing the training and help rendered by the NGO.






  1. Programme Objective & Procedure:-


  • Objective of the scheme is to sensitize students of colleges and students in 8th class and above in schools against drug addiction and to persuade them to desist from taking drugs and to refer those who require indoor treatment to the nearest drug de-addiction centers or out……treatment cases.


  • In order to have any impact it will be necessary that the NGO should be able to mobilize the resource persons with adequate knowledge of the subject and good communication skill. They may for this purpose, contact the psychiatrist in the District Civil Hospital and Civil Surgeon as Vice Chairman of Distt. Rehabilitation Society and local branch of IMA, if necessary.


  • The parents of the students may also be involved so that they can take necessary measures to prevent their wards from taking to drugs. At least one meeting with parents should be held out of provision made for holding events.


  • The awareness could be created either through lectures, plays, songs, puppet shows, debates, declamation contests, rallies or any means.


1.5) A list of events to be organized indicating the venue date and time of the event to be organized during a month should be sent to SOSVA by 20th of the previous month with a copy to Distt. Social Security Officer concerned. In the event of any change in the programme, SOSVA should be immediately informed on phone to Programme Manager or by email.


1.6)  The NGO may allow holidays upto 10 days in a year. List of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.


1.7) The Project Director to be appointed should have the capability to contact Principals of Schools and Colleges for making arrangements for the events and suitable resource persons and , if necessary, to address the interactive session.


1.8) The NGO may allow leave to the Project Director and Project Assistant for 1 day for each month of service . Salary may be deducted for the leave availed in excess.


1.9) A mobile set with camera may be purchased at cost not exceeding Rs. 4,000/- from    funds provided for events, if not already purchased under the Project in the previous year. At least 1 photo of each event should be preserved till monitoring visit of Chairman/MD or Programme Manager from SOSVA. 


  • The Project is to be implemented from 7.2022 to 31.1.2023.


  • The Project is to be implemented in Colleges and middle, secondary and senior secondary schools for students of class 8 and above. There is no objection to more than one session being held in the same school for students of different classes/sections depending upon the strength of the school and in the same college for students of different classes and streams. However, no more than 2 sessions may be held in the same school or college.


  • Information regarding awareness lectures , debates/declamation contests and Rallies etc. held may be maintained in the following Performa.


Sr. No.

 Date on which lecture , debates/declamation contests and Rallies held

Place where held

Name of School /college


Nature of Event,debate , lecture or rally etc.)

No. of students participated

Names of resource persons who attended.










1.12 ) Information regarding meeting with parents of students may be maintained in following proforma.


Sr.No.     Dt. on which        Place where          No. of parents

               Meeting held        held                        present

____       _________               ______               ___________ 




  • After an event is held in a college or school, the Principal / Headmaster/Mistress or the Teacher Incharge may be requested to give feedback in the enclosed proforma. While details at Sr. 1 to 5 of the proforma may be filled by NGOs official, the remarks at Sr.No. 6 and 7 should be from the Principal etc. herself. The same may be kept in your record till the visit of Chairman/Member Director or Programme Manager. In case any useful suggestion is made by them the same may be sent to SOSVA for consideration.
  • IEC material is prepared by SOSVA centrally. The provision made in budget for the purpose will be transferred by the NGO to SOSVA when asked for. The material should be distributed among students when visiting a school or college for any event.




2) Accounts :-


2.1) A separate bank account should be opened as far as possible in which the cheques/draft received for the project should be credited or in which  grant will be sent by RTGs and  out of which expenditure should be incurred.



  • A separate cash-book should be maintained in which expenditure incurred on the project may be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for honorarium, cash memo for contingent expenditue may be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.
  • A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, contingencies



  • The expenditure on each head has to be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. You are however, permitted to exceed the provision under any particular head upto 10% so long as the total expenditure remain within the approved allocation Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% of budget provision will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure is within the sanctioned budget.  


  • Payment of honorarium to staff and other payments of any item for Rs. 2000/- and more should be made by cheque or direct credit to account.


2.6)    Cash books, Receipt & Expenditure Register  and file of voucher regarding expenditure incurred on the project should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Manger when they visit the centre after informing about the visit. For this purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, print out of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available.


2.8)     If there is any delay in receipt of grant, NGO may incur the expenditure on the project as per sanctioned budget from its own resources. Vouchers of this expenditure and the entries of expenditure in the cash book may be made when the expenditure is incurred . The amount spent out of NGOs own resources may be withdrawn from the project grant when the grant is received.



 3)  Utilization certificate:


    A Utilization certificate duly audited by the Chartered Accountant  and signed by NGO Head/  Authorised signatory along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed format shall be furnished for the grant released for half year within the period specified in the letter sending  the installment  covering grant for half year and for the whole period of the grant within 15 days of expiry of the period. Interest received from bank should be included under receipt head.

If the total expenditure on the project during the year is less than grant in aid received + bank interest, the unspent amount should be refunded by payable at par cheque/ bank draft in favour of SOSVA (N) Social Security.



             4) Preservation of Records :-

4.1)  Since the project being implemented is funded from the grant given by State Govt. A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of a project  is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received. Thus for example if an NGO has implemented any project from  grant for 3 years during 2016-17 ,  2017-18 and 2018-19  the record for all these 3 years should be preserved till 3 years after 31.1.2020 i.e. upto 31.1.2023 . If the NGO has  implemented some project only for 2 years say 2017-18 and 2018-19  and discontinued thereafter, the record for these 2 years should be maintained at least till 3 years after 31.1.2020 i.e. upto 31.1.2023.




  • The record to be preserved for 3 years should include the following:-
  • Pass book or bank statement
  • Cash book and ledger
  • All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant
  • Audited UC including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet
  • Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  • Guidelines and instructions issued for implementation of the project by SOSVA.














Proforma  for Feedback on the Activities


1.Name of NGO :


2.Name of College / School


3.Date on which activity held


4.Nature of activity viz. lecture, debate, declamation contest etc.



5.No. of students participated


6.To what extent was the even helpful in creating awareness?


7.Any other comment or suggestion :





(Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress/ Teacher Incharge)

Date :







  2. 1. The objective of the scheme is to provide day care for children between the age of 3 and 5 years from poor families. These will run for 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. Supplementary nutrition and basic pre-school education will be provided to the children. Each centre will have 25 children.
  4. For all round development of children the following types of activities will be carried out:
  5. Nutrition
  6. Health
  7. Education



3.1 A list of children should be maintained in the form at Annex. A.  The list should be prepared at the time of enrolment and kept updated by deleting the name of a child who stops coming to the centre and including the name of child who is enrolled in his/her place, mentioning dates in both cases.


3.2 If a child goes to Govt. school in pre-primary classes it should be enrolled, or if already enrolled continued only if (a) it does not receive nutrition in the school or in Anganwadis & (b) it will be able to come to the centre for nutrition outside school hours.

Note:  name of a child who is enrolled at the centre need not be deleted if it attains the age of 5 years during the project period.


  1. A register showing daily attendance of children should also be maintained.
  2. The NGO may allow holidays up to 10 days in a year. The list of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be similarly intimated to SOSVA.
  4. Most of the children from poor families are undernourished. It should be ensured that the food provided in the centre is not only nutritious but it is also hygienically prepared and served in clean utensils. Where available, salt fortified with iron & iodine should only be used.




  1. Menu of nutrition, given from time to time, should be maintained along with quantity of each item per child. A copy should also be displayed at the Centre. Record should be maintained of the items served on each day in the proforma at Annexure-B


  1. The teacher should take with the help of mobile camera daily photo of children while being given nutrition. The photo should be preserved till the next monitoring visit. A mobile set with camera at a cost not exceeding Rs.4,000/- may be purchased for this purpose, out of provision for contingencies if necessary and if not purchased from project funds previously.


  2. Weight. Weight of the children should be taken at enrolment and thereafter every 3 months. A record of the same may be maintained in the form at Annex. c. Where the child is underweight, additional nutrition may be provided within the total allocation for nutrition. Children who do not show any improvement must be examined by a doctor to ascertain the reason.


9.1 Anemia. There is also a serious problem of anemia in target children. Hemoglobin (Hb) should be checked at enrolment time and every 3 months thereafter.  Children should be given one tablet of iron and folic acid or syrup containing 20 mg of elemental iron (60mg of Ferrous Sulphate) daily till the Hb level reaches 11 mg. Record regarding IFA syrup given may be kept as shown at Annex. D and result of checking of Hb as shown at Annex E. Children who show no improvement after 6 months should be got checked by the doctor for suggesting remedial measures.


  1. The problem of anaemia also often occurs due to hookworm infestation. To prevent it Albendazole should be given to the children in a single dose of 500 mg or in divided doses of 100 mg. twice daily for 3 days. This medicine is to be repeated after 6 months. Record regarding de-worming medicine should also be kept as at Annex. F.


  1. Medicines. Medicines for treatment of anaemia and for prevention of hookworm may be obtained from ANM/ASHAs in the area. In case these are not given by ASHA/ ANM they may be purchased locally and expenditure met out of provision for nutrition in the sanctioned budget.


  1. Children should be given basic lessons about hygiene including washing of hands before eating, cleaning of teeth, cutting of nails etc.










Children above 3 years age may be given basic education through toys, plays, illustrated books, charts, activities like making of clays, toys and painting etc.  Efforts should be made to achieve the following minimum levels of education:

  1. Children up to 4 Years Age. Counting from 1 to 50, reading, writing and recognition of Punjabi Alphabet, colour recognition , knowledge about names of parts of the body, days of the week, months in the year, vegetables and fruits etc.
  2. Children up to 5 Years Age. Counting from 1 to 100, reading, writing and recognition of simple 2-letter words and mwqrwvW in Punjabi.




  1. Information regarding place where the centre will be run and days of the week and the timings should be intimated to SOSVA within a week of the start of the Project. Any changes therein or regarding closure of the centre for unavoidable reason(not more than 10 days in a year) should be promptly intimated by email or phone to programme manager. The centre should have adequate space for seating of children. It should be well lit and should have access to suitable toilet facilities.


  1. Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the NGO runs the centre in own building the rent at the rate indicated in the budget will be paid by the project to the NGO. Where the centre is run in a building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance of the building. In such cases, only expenditure @ Rs.250/- per month should be shown in the UC and not the entire provision made in the budget for rent. (Where the NGO is running two centres at the same location, there is no objection to the same premises being used for both the projects. The rent paid in such cases should be divided between the two projects and charged to such projects within the amount provided in the budget for rent).


  1. STAFF
  2. A trained worker with diploma in Nursery training or Elementary Teachers Training should be appointed against post of Woman Worker so that she can provide nursery training to the children. If trained woman is not available and an untrained one has to be appointed she should be paid an honorarium of only Rs. 2,500/- per month.


  1. The NGO may allow 1 day leave to the woman worker for each month of service. Honorarium may be deducted for the leave availed in excess. A substitute worker may be appointed, if available, and honorarium to her paid out of provision made under honorarium or contingencies.





  2. 17. Separate Bank Account. A separate bank account should be opened, as far as possible, in which cheques/ drafts received for the project should be credited and from which expenditure should be incurred.
  3. Expenditure within Budget Provisions. The expenditure on each head must, as far as possible, be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. Where it is not possible to do so, for reasons to be given at the time of submission of UCs, it may be exceeded by up to 10%. The total expenditure must, in no case, exceed the overall allocation. Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% of budget provision will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure on the Project is within the sanctioned budget.
  4. Expenditure in case of Delay in Receipt of Grant. If there is any delay in receipt of grant, NGO may incur the expenditure on the project as per sanctioned budget from its own resources. Vouchers of this expenditure and the entries of expenditure in the cash book may be made when the expenditure is incurred . The amount spent out of NGOs own resources may be withdrawn from the project grant when the grant is received.
  5. Capital Expenditure. All capital expenditure on purchase of utensils etc will be met by the NGO so that there is no problem when the center is subsequently closed.
  6. Payments by Cheque. Payment of honorarium to staff, and for all purchases of Rs. 2000/ or more, should be made by cheque or direct credit to payee’s account.
  7. Receipt & Expenditure Register. A separate Receipt & Expenditure Register should be maintained in which grant received from SOSVA and interest received in bank a/c and expenditure incurred on the project whether by cheque or in cash may be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for honorarium, cash memo for material purchases etc. may be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.
  8. Ledger. A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, cost of material etc.
  9. Stock Register. A stock register should be maintained indicating date of purchase with Vr. No. about receipts and date of issue of various items of nutrition, books, medicine and other items purchased under the project.
  10. Inspection of Accounts. Account books should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Mangers when they visit the centre after prior information. For this purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, a printout of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available. If the accounts are not shown at the time of visit, NGO may be requested to bring the record at its expense for checking to SOSVA’s office.
  11. 25. Utilization Certificates. A utilization certificate, along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed form duly audited by a Chartered Accountant shall be furnished for the grant released for half year within the period specified in the letter sending the installment and for the whole period of the grant within 15 days of expiry of that period. Interest received from bank should be included under receipt head. If the total expenditure on the project during the year is less than grant in aid received + bank interest, the unspent amount should be refunded by ‘payable at par’ cheque/ bank draft drawn in favour of SOSVA (N) Social Security.


  2. Since the project being implemented is funded from the grant given by the State Government., A.G. Punjab may take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Government can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of the project for the same area is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received. Thus for example if the project is implemented at a particular place for 3 years during 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19, the record for all these 3 years should be preserved till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022 . If the project has been implemented only for 2 years say 2017-18 and 2018-19 and discontinued thereafter, the record for these 2 years should be maintained at least till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022.


  1. The records to be maintained include the following:
  2. Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  3. Guidelines and instructions issued by SOSVA for implementation of the project.
  4. Pass book or bank statements.
  5. Cash book and ledger.
  6. All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant.
  7. Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.
  8. Audited UCs including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet.
  9. Lists of children, with their addresses and contact numbers of their parents/ guardians.





Annexure A to Guidelines

List of children enrolled in Day Care Centre at _________________________



Date of Enrolment

Name of Child







Whether belong to SC


Mobile No.























                                                                                               Annexure B to Guidelines

                              Items of Nutrition served to children



List of items served









Annexure C to Guidelines




Name of Child


ment Sr.No.








































                                                                                                            Annexure D




No. of children given IFA syrup







Annexure E to Guidelines





Name of Child

S.No.of Enrolment list

Result of Hb check
















Annexure F to Guidelines



Sr. No.

Name of child


of Enrolment list

Dates on which deworming medicine given


1st Dose

2nd Dose



















  2. The objective of the projects is to empower poor women through skill development. It should, therefore, be ensured that at least 80% of the trainees are from poor families such as:
  3.         Those below poverty line
  4.         SCs
  5. Holders of smart ration cards
  6.   Widows and divorced women and
  7.         Those from families engaged in low income occupations like landless agricultural workers,  unskilled factory labour, construction labour, brick kiln labour, domestic servants, street hawkers, rickshaw pullers etc. 


(Photocopies of SC certificate or BPL/ Blue Card should be kept in the enrolment file. In case of those who do not belong to these categories, information regarding the occupation of the trainee or her parents/husband should be kept in the file.)


  2. Publicity about Programme. Publicity about the programme may be done though announcements/posters in religious institutions and through village sarpanches/ pradhans, etc. The expenditure may be met out of provision for contingencies.
  3. Trainees to be Enrolled. Training is to be imparted in two batches of 6 months each. Each batch will consist of 25 trainees. Efforts should be made to ensure that all 25 trainees are enrolled at the beginning of the session. For the second batch, trainees should be enrolled at least 15 days before start of training. In any case, no trainee should be enrolled after one month of the start as she will not be able to acquire the necessary skill to utilize the training. The NGO may, if necessary, enroll up to 28 trainees in the beginning so that, if up to 3 trainees drop out before completion, 25 trainees would still be able to complete the training. If by end of 1st month of the start of the 1st batch or by start of the 2nd batch number of women enrolled is less than 25, SOSVA should be immediately informed about the number of women enrolled so that decision may be taken whether to continue or discontinue the project.
  4. Educational Qualification. Minimum educational qualifications for the trainees should be Matriculation. It should be ensured while selecting trainees that they have the necessary aptitude and will be able to acquire the requisite skill for employability and are likely to utilize the training for contribution to the family income.
  5. Ineligible Trainees. Girls studying in a school or college should not normally be enrolled as they are not likely to utilize the training in the near future for contribution to family income. Women who have received training in the same skill under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana or any other scheme should also not be enrolled.
  6. List of Trainees. A list of trainees should be maintained in the format at Annex 1. This list should be kept up to date by deleting names of women who leave the training midway and adding those who join in their place within 1 month of start of training. A copy of the list for the 1st batch should be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of the start of the 1st batch and list of 2nd batch within 7 days of beginning of 2nd batch.  In case the list is not received within 7 days of start of training it will be assumed that training was stated from the date on which list was sent by email and salary of the teacher may be allowed from that date.

If any trainee is enrolled thereafter under Para-3, and not later than 1 month of start of training a revised list in Annexure-1 should be sent within one month of the start of  batch.                                                                                           

Note: It should be noted that a trainee has to be included only in one category. For example, if a woman belongs to SC and also is BPL card holder her name should be included only under the col. for SC. If a woman is BPL card holder and also has smart ration card issued by food & supply department her name should be included in the column under BPL Names of only those women will be included under the col. for families engaged in low income occupation who do not belong to SC and also do not have BPL or smart card.

  1. Fees for the Programme. Rs. 150/- p.m. should be collected from the trainees as fee, against receipts to be issued by field NGO. The NGO may, if so desired, not collect the fee from any trainee the trainees who cannot afford it or recover a smaller amount but the same will have to be borne by it from its own resources or by donations.


  1. Syllabus for the programme is given in Annex 2. In case any additional items or modification in the syllabus  are considered necessary for improving employability of the trainees, there is no objection to those being made in the syllabus. The changes made in the syllabus should be intimated to SOSVA. A monthly breakup of the syllabus to be covered should be sent to SOSVA within 15 days of the start of the project. Its copy should also be kept in the Centre.


 Teachers appointed for training should possess minimum qualification of a Graduate in    Computer Science or BCA or BA or B.Sc. with computer science as a subject.  Copy of the certificate should be sent to SOSVA


Particulars of the teacher indicating the name, qualification, mobile no. and whether it has facility of whatsapp should be sent within seven days of start of training or where a new teacher is appointed under Para-10 within 7 days of her appointment.

  1. Where a teacher leaves service, or if she is removed, SOSVA should be informed immediately. SOSVA should also be immediately informed when a new teacher is appointed.     The qualifications mentioned in Para 9 are equally applicable in her case, too. Copy of her certificate should also be sent to SOSVA.
  2. Teachers may be granted leave @1 day per month of service. For any leave taken in excess, salary for extra days of absence should be deducted. Substitute teacher may be appointed, if available, and her honorarium for up to 10 days may be met out of provision under ‘Salaries’ ‘ honorarium’or ‘Contingencies’.

Computer Hardware and Accessories. Every centre should have at least one computer for every two trainees i.e. minimum 12 per centre. These may be Server based or individual computers.  In addition, there should be a printer, necessary software and CDs/pen drives. All computers should have internet/broadband connection. These should be kept in proper working order. Capital expenditure on purchase of computers and furniture will be met by the NGO so that there is no problem when the center is subsequently closed

  1. Location. Training is to be imparted in the village/ town mentioned in the Sanction letter if it becomes necessary to change the location, prior approval of SOSVA should be obtained giving:
  2. Reasons for the change.
  3. Population of the proposed village/town.
  4.   Distance from the NGO’s office.
  5.   Whether a suitable qualified teacher for imparting training at that location has been located.
  6. Whether any centre for training in Cutting & Tailoring is being run in that village/town by any other organization. If so, its details.

14.1 Accommodation. The centre where training is imparted should have adequate accommodation for seating of trainees and their sewing machines. It should be well lit and trainees should have access to suitable toilet facilities.

14.2 Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the NGO imparts training in own building the rent at the rate indicated in the budget will be paid by the project to the NGO. Where the training is held in a building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance of the building. In such cases, only expenditure @ Rs.250/- per month should be shown in the UC and not the entire provision made in the budget for rent. Where the NGO is running two projects at the same location, there is no objection to the same premises being used for both the projects. The rent paid in such cases should be divided between the two projects and charged to such projects within the amount provided in the budget.

  1. 15. Banner / Notice. A banner as per design shown in Annex 3 will be displayed prominently at/ outside the venue. Some modifications in the design may be made as necessary but it should clearly state that the Centre is funded by Punjab Government. A notice in the form as shown in Annex 4 should also prominently be displayed at the Centre.   
  3. Timings. Training will be conducted at the venue and during timings intimated to SOSVA before start of the project. Any change should be conveyed immediately. Normally, training should be for at least 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. In case of power cuts during that period or any other contingency, the timings may be changed but SOSVA should immediately be informed.
  4. Holidays. The NGO may allow holidays up to 10 days in a year. List of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.  
  5. Attendance. The importance of regular attendance should be drilled into all trainees. The teacher should take daily attendance of the trainees and keep its record in the attendance register. If any trainee does not attend the class for more than 2 days without information, the teacher should contact her and impress on her need for regular attendance.
  6. Practical Note Books. All trainees must prepare their practical note books which the teacher should check regularly once a week and make necessary corrections


  1. Internal Tests. The trainees should be given tests both for theory and practical work in the 1st week of every month to evaluate their progress and ensure that special attention is given to the aspects in which a particular trainee is weak so that by end of the training all trainees acquire necessary skill. The record of these tests may be kept in the trainees’ notebooks for ready reference
  2. Preparing trainees for employment. Since the objective of the scheme is empowerment of women through skill development, it should be ensured that at least 70% of the trainees are able to contribute to family income through employment. For this purpose, interaction with prospective employers may also be arranged either by inviting them to meet the trainees or taking trainees to their establishments leading to on-the-job training during the last month. This would enable them to learn about dealing with customers and other practical aspects of work. Trainees may also be give intensive training of those items in which they may be more interested during the last month of training. Efforts may also be made to help the trainees who want to set up their own work to secure loans from banks under Mudra Scheme or Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme.

Where possible, trainees may be given training in use of Facebook for attracting customers.

  1. When Chairman/Member Directors visit the centre after prior information women who had received training in the previous batch may be asked to come for interaction.


  1. On completion of training, th

e students should be got tested preferably by a trained teacher must be Graduate in    Computer Science or BCA or BA or B.Sc. with computer science as a subject and the result of the test (theory and practical) should be maintained by the NGO. A teacher who has imparted training should not be appointed as examiner for the same class. 

  1. Certificates. On completion of the training a certificate in the format at Annex 5 may be issued to the women who have completed their training and passed the test. The NGO may modify the certificate, if necessary, but it should clearly mention that the training has been imparted with the help of grant received from Punjab Govt. through SOSVA.


  1. Proper follow up should be done of trainees after completion of training to find out whether they are able to obtain employment/ self-employment and help them to secure it whenever necessary Provisions has been made in the budget for expenditure as follow up. A statement showing trainees who have received training in the previous batch and their follow up record should be kept in the format at Anx -6. Status regarding trainees of 2nd batch of the previous  year should be prepared in the beginning of training for current year + status regarding trainees of 1st batch of current year should be prepared indicating on completion of their training. NGOs which had implemented a project for training in any other skill during the previous year should prepare the statement for second batch of previous year in that skill. Where the trainee is found to be not employed/ self-employed, efforts should be made to secure employment, self employment even if the NGO has been running the project during current year at some other locations or in a different skill. Efforts made and results achieved may be recorded in the statement. Where the trainee subsequently obtains employment/ self employment, information about the same may be entered under relevant columns.

A session may be held with trainees of the previous batch after about 3 to 4 months of completion of training to get feedback about the utility of training and any changes required to improve their chance for self-employment or to get employment. A brief record of the session, indicating the number of trainees who attended and their feedback should be kept. Any suggestions which may be considered useful should be sent to SOSVA. The expenditure on this may be met out of provision made in the budget for follow up.



  1. All communication from SOSVA will be by email. NGOs should also send all communication by email except where original document is to be sent e.g. UCs which should be sent by courier or registered post.


  1. Copy of these guidelines along with the syllabus and instructions that are issued from SOSVA which have to be implemented by a teacher should be given to her.


  2. Separate Bank Account. A separate bank account should be opened, as far as possible, in which funds received for the project should be credited and from which expenditure should be incurred.
  3. Expenditure within Budget Provisions

            The expenditure on each head must, as far as possible, be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. Where it is not possible to do so, for reasons to be given at the time of submission of UCs, it may be exceeded by up to 10%. The total expenditure must, in no case, exceed the overall allocation. Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure on the Project is within the sanctioned budget.


  1. Payments by Cheque. Payment of honorarium to staff, and for all purchases of Rs. 2000/ or more, should be made by cheque or direct credit to payee’s account.
  2. Receipt & Expenditure Register. A separate Receipt & Expenditure Register should be maintained in which grant received from SOSVA, interest received in bank a/c and fee received from trainees should be entered as these are received and expenditure incurred on the project whether in cash or through cheque should be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for salaries, cash memo for material purchases etc. should be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.
  3. Ledger. A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, cost of material etc.
  4. Stock Register. A stock register of the material purchased out of the grant should be maintained indicating date of purchase with Vr. No. and its issue to trainees.
  5. Inspection of Accounts. Account books should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Mangers when they visit the centre after prior information. For this purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, a printout of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available.
  6. 35. Utilization Certificates. A utilization certificate along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed form duly audited by a Chartered Accountant and signed by Authority Signatory of NGOs shall be furnished for the grant released for half year within the period specified in the letter sending the installment covering the half year and for the whole period of the grant within 30 days of expiry of that period. Interest received from bank and fees received from trainees should be included under receipt head. If the total expenditure on the project during the year, after excluding expenditure incurred under any budget head after allowing 10% excess vide Para 29 is less than grant received + bank interest + fee received from trainees, the unspent amount should be refunded by ‘payable at par’ cheque/ bank draft drawn in favour of SOSVA (N) Social Security.


  2. Since the project being implemented is funded from the grant given by the State Government, A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of the project for the same area is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received. Thus for example if the project is implemented at a particular place for 3 years during 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19, the record for all these 3 years should be preserved till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022 . If the project has been implemented only for 2 years say 2017-18 and 2018-19 and discontinued thereafter, the record for these 2 years should be maintained at least till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022.


  1. The records to be maintained include the following:
  2. Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  3. Guidelines and instructions issued by SOSVA for implementation of the project.
  4. Pass book or bank statements.
  5. Cash book and ledger.
  6. All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant.
  7. Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.
  8. Audited UCs including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet.
  9. Lists of women, with their addresses and contact numbers, who received training.
  10. Result of tests.












Annex 1







































FROM _____________ TO________________

 *1.  SC (Scheduled Caste); BPL (Below Poverty Line); SRC(Smart Ration card); LIO (Low Income Occupation);

  1. ENTER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. Thus if a trainee belongs to SC and is also Smart Ration card holder her name should be   ticked  (  √       ) only under SC. If a trainee is BPL card holder and also has a Smart Ration card she should be ticked only under BPL. Trainees belonging to Low Income Occupation families should be so ticked only if they do not belong to SC, BPL or Smart Ration card Holder families. In their case the occupation will be mentioned under this column.





Anx. 2

              Syllabus for Training in Computer Applications

Basic Computer skills –                Duration Two  weeks

  • Study of Major components of computer & identifying their basic functions.
  • How to switch on a computer ? How to shut down ?
  • Use of various keys on the key board.
  • How to change wall paper ? How to change screen saver ?
  • Title Bar, Menu Bar, Standard Tool bar Functions ( all items)
  • Use of storage devices like pen drive, data/ memory card reader, portable CDs
  • Use of CDs, DVDs on computer
  • Elementary knowledge of computer hardware
  • Trouble Shooting of Minor problems in computer and printer

Applications of MS Office ( MS – word, Excel, Power Point) :   Duration 12 weeks

      MS Word –

  • How to create a file , save and delete it?
  • How to open and close a file ? How to set margins ? How to set tabs.
  • How to type in MS WORD ? How to type a letter , capital letters, bold letters, italics ? Editing text, spell check, consulting dictionary, page setup, changing font size & colour, applying borders and shading , starting new para , merging of paras .
  • Copying text cut & paste, copy & paste, delete, space, punctuation marks (. , ? ) ,  text alignment, find and replace text, How to format it ? Page numbering.
  • How to insert tables, splitting cells in a table , page borders? How to fill in colours in documents ? Inserting  Header & Footer.
  • Use of Shortcut Keys
  • Printing a document, part of document, printing on letter heads, cancellation of printing commands



  • How to create a table,  to change size of coloumns & rows, add cols & rows to the table .
  • Naming a range, Editing cell data, Autosum function performing single sums (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and inserting a chart.
  • Opening existing workbook, opening more than one workbook, merging workbooks, saving, closing , scrolling tabs, inserting , deleting, copying / moving , worksheet between workbooks, Group Rows or Columns in an Outline, Ungroup Rows or Columns in an Outline, Remove Group from Outline, Set Outline Options.
  • Protecting a Workbook , to unlock cells so others can edit the cell contents ,to share a workbook.
  • Printing a document ; Printing Column and Row Labels on Every Page

MS Power Point 

  • Creating Presentation, Using AutoContent Wizard, Changing content, Color Schemes, PowerPoint Templates.
  • Auto Content Wizard, The Pick A Look Wizard, Masters.
  • Adding Slides. Editing and Moving Text, working in Outline View.
  • Adding Removing Periods in Sentences, Formatting Text, Aligning Text, Word Tables in Power Point.
  • Importing Images from the Outside World, Inserting Photos, The CLIP PART Gallery, Drawing in Power Point.
  • Creating Organizational Charts.
  • Arranging, Previewing and Rehearsing, Transition and Build Effects.
  • Showing Slides Out of Order, Deleting Slides, Printing Presentation Elements,

Internet and its applications                          :  Duration 2 weeks

  • Use of internet for sending, receiving , replying and forwarding & emails, sending & opening attachments, sending material from MS Word by email .
  • Downloading information from Internet explorer, Mozila/ Firefox , google, searching information on internet.
  • How to send email to multiple addresses
  • How to prepare & use address directory ?
  • How to create your e-mail ID ? How to browse websites ? How to put information on the website.
  • What are System Infectors & how to protect the computer from virus ?


Office Procedures & Business Communications  :             2 weeks

  • Learning basic office procedures, letter writing, maintenance of office files.
  • Operation of telephone / fax machine, photocopies, scanner sending scanned material by email.
  • Preparing bills & cash memos on computer
  • Essentials of business communication.

Typing Skills   – Typing speed of 35  wpm (English)   :     Duration 1 hr daily after1st week

                                                       20 wpm (Punjabi)

















                                                                                                  Anx. 3     


sosvw rwhIM imlI pMjwb srkwr dI gRWt nwl clwieAw jw irhw grIb AorqW nUM kmpUtr

(Computer Training) tRyinMg ;?ANo





















                                                                                                    Anx. 4    


rohp n’osK bJh  kmpUtr (Computer Training) tRyinMg ;?ANo

1)      fJj ;?ANo  gzikp  ;oeko  gk;’  wdo r?o ;oekoh ;z;Ek  ;’;tk d[nkok gqkgs ftshJ/  ;jkfJsk Bkb  ubkfJnk ik fojk W .

2)/ Nq/fBzr dk e’o; 6 wjhfBnK dk j’t/rk .

3) Nq/fBzr lYn vwlI hr Aorq nUM 150 rU mhInw PIs dyxI hovygI [

4) Twhd ehsh iKdh W fe f;fynkoEh jo o’i jkio j’D . i/eo fe;h f;fynkoEh dh jkioh 80% s’A xZN j’t/ sK T[; Bz{ gq’i/eN Kqm hox qy srtIiPkyt  nhI idqw jwvygw .

4) nro fe;/ Bz{ ;?ANo d/ ;zpX ftZu fe;h soQK dh e’Jh iSekfJs j’t/ sK T[j j/m fby/ gs/ s/ iSekfJs eo ;edk j?  .


;[;kfJNh cko ;oft; N{ tkbzNoh J/iz;hi

eo{Bk ;dD , ewok Bz 18, gfjbh wzfib , ;?eNo – 11 ph , uzvhrV


Jh w/b gsk –







Anx. 5

Certificate of Completion of Training


Name of NGO


Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and as Amended by Punjab Amendment Act.,1957, Govt. of Punjab





This is to certify that Mrs./ Ms. ____________________________ wife/daughter of Sh. ____________________ Resident of _________________________ has completed six months training from ________________to ___________in ___________________ (Name of skill)  funded by Govt. of Punjab through SOSVA, Punjab as Mother NGO .


Date of Issue :                                                                                              Chief Functionary


                                                                                                                        (Stamp of NGO)





Anx – 6


IN (NAME OF SKILL) ________________________________ FROM _____________ TO _____________





























*REMARKS will include reasons for not utilizing the training and help rendered by the NGO.







  1. The objective of the projects is to empower poor women through skill development. It should, therefore, be ensured that at least 80% of the trainees are from poor families such as:
  2.      Those below poverty line
  3.         SCs
  4. Holders of smart ration cards
  5.   Widows and divorced women and
  6.       Those from families engaged in low income occupations like landless agricultural workers,  unskilled factory labour, construction labour, brick kiln labour, domestic servants, street hawkers, rickshaw pullers etc. 


(Photocopies of SC certificate or BPL/ Blue Card should be kept in the enrolment file. In case of those who do not belong to these categories, information regarding the occupation of the trainee or her parents/husband should be kept in the file.)


  1. Publicity about Programme. Publicity about the programme may be done though announcements/posters in religious institutions and through village sarpanches/ pradhans, etc. The expenditure may be met out of provision for contingencies.
  2. Trainees to be Enrolled. Training is to be imparted in two batches of 6 months each. Each batch will consist of 25 trainees. Efforts should be made to ensure that all 25 trainees are enrolled at the beginning of the session. For the second batch, trainees should be enrolled at least 15 days before start of training. In any case, no trainee should be enrolled after one month of the start as she will not be able to acquire the necessary skill to utilize the training. The NGO may, if necessary, enroll up to 28 trainees in the beginning so that, if up to 3 trainees drop out before completion, 25 trainees would still be able to complete the training. If by end of 1st month of the start of the 1st batch or by start of the 2nd batch number of women enrolled is less than 25, SOSVA should be immediately informed about the number of women enrolled so that decision may be taken whether to continue or discontinue the project.
  3. The trainees should be at least matriculates and should not be below 18 years age. It should be ensured that  women selected for training are able to acquire relevant skill and prepare note books (in Punjabi or Hindi) and are likely to utilize the training for contributing to family income.


  1. Ineligible Trainees. Girls studying in a school or college should not normally be enrolled as they are not likely to utilize the training in the near future for contribution to family income. Women who have received training in the same skill under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana or any other scheme should also not be enrolled.
  2. List of Trainees. A list of trainees should be maintained in the format at Annex 1. This list should be kept up to date by deleting names of women who leave the training midway and adding those who join in their place within 1 month of start of training. A copy of the list for the 1st batch should be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of the start of the 1st batch and list of 2nd batch within 7 days of beginning of 2nd batch.  In case the list is not received within 7 days of start of training it will be assumed that training was stated from the date on which list was sent by email and salary of the teacher may be allowed from that date.

If any trainee is enrolled thereafter under Para-3, and not later than 1 month of start of training a revised list in Annexure-1 should be sent within one month of the start of  batch.                                                                                           

Note: It should be noted that a trainee has to be included only in one category. For example, if a woman belongs to SC and also is BPL card holder her name should be included only under the col. for SC. If a woman is BPL card holder and also has smart ration card issued by food & supply department her name should be included in the column under BPL Names of only those women will be included under the col. for families engaged in low income occupation who do not belong to SC and also do not have BPL or smart card.

  1. Fees for the Programme. Rs. 150/- p.m. should be collected from the trainees as fee, against receipts to be issued by field NGO. The NGO may, if so desired, not collect the fee from any trainee the trainees who cannot afford it or recover a smaller amount but the same will have to be borne by it from its own resources or by donations.


  1. Syllabus for the programme is given in Annex 2. In case any additional items or modification in the syllabus  are considered necessary for improving employability of the trainees, there is no objection to those being made in the syllabus. The changes made in the syllabus should be intimated to SOSVA. A monthly breakup of the syllabus to be covered should be sent to SOSVA within 15 days of the start of the project. Its copy should also be kept in the Centre.
  2. Practical training may be given at Government hospitals. Necessary permission for this purpose has been accorded by Director, Health and Family Welfare, Punjab. Any Incidental expenses on clinical training may be incurred, if required, out of provision in the budget for travelling expenses of trainers & trainees.






10.1 The trainer should be BSc.Nursing. Copy of the certificate should be sent to SOSVA immediately after her appointment.

      10.2  Where a teacher leaves service, or if she is removed, SOSVA should be informed  immediately. SOSVA should also be immediately informed when a new teacher is appointed.     The qualifications mentioned in Para 10.1 are equally applicable in her case, too.      10.3  Particulars of the teacher indicating the name, qualification, mobile no. and whether it has facility of whatsapp should be sent within seven days of start of training or where a new teacher is appointed under Para-10.2 within 7 days of her appointment. Copy of her certificate should also be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of her appointment.


  1. Teachers may be granted leave @1 day per month of service. For any leave taken in excess, salary for extra days of absence should be deducted. Substitute teacher may be appointed, if available, and her honorarium for up to 10 days may be met out of provision under ‘Salaries’ ‘ honorarium’or ‘Contingencies’.
  3. Equipment/ Material. NGO will arrange equipment/materials as per Annex 3. The expenditure on the same has to be borne by the NGO
  4. Location. Training is to be imparted in the village/ town mentioned in the Sanction letter if it becomes necessary to change the location, prior approval of SOSVA should be obtained giving:
  5. Reasons for the change.
  6. Population of the proposed village/town.
  7. Distance from the NGO’s office.
  8. Whether a suitable qualified teacher for imparting training at that location has been   located.
  9. Whether any centre for training in Cutting & Tailoring is being run in that village/town by any other organization. If so, its details.

14.1 Accommodation. The centre where training is imparted should have adequate accommodation for seating of trainees. It should be well lit and trainees should have access to suitable toilet facilities.

Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the NGO imparts training in own building the rent at the rate indicated in the budget will be paid by the project to the NGO. Where the training is held in a building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance of the building. In such cases, only expenditure @ Rs.250/- per month should be shown in the UC and not the entire provision made in the budget for rent. Where the NGO is running two projects at the same location, there is no objection to the same premises being used for both the projects. The rent paid in such cases should be divided between the two projects and charged to such projects within the amount provided in the budget.


  1. Banner / Notice. A banner as per design shown in Annex 4 will be displayed prominently at/ outside the venue. Some modifications in the design may be made as necessary but it should clearly state that the Centre is funded by Punjab Government. A notice in the form as shown in Annex 5 should also prominently be displayed at the Centre.   
  3. Timings. Training will be conducted at the venue and during timings intimated to SOSVA before start of the project. Any change should be conveyed immediately. Normally, training should be for at least 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. In case of power cuts during that period or any other contingency, the timings may be changed but SOSVA should immediately be informed.
  4. Holidays. The NGO may allow holidays up to 10 days in a year. List of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.  
  5. Attendance. The importance of regular attendance should be drilled into all trainees. The teacher should take daily attendance of the trainees and keep its record in the attendance register. If any trainee does not attend the class for more than 2 days without information, the teacher should contact her and impress on her need for regular attendance.
  6. Training Material. Provision has been made in the budget for purchase of training material including books. List of items that may be purchased out of this provision is at Annex 6. Other expendable items required for training may also be purchased out of this provision within the budget amount. The books to be supplied to trainees should be in Hindi or Punjabi according to the language in which the trainees will be able to understand.

20.1 Note-Books. All trainees must prepare their practical note books and sample file. The teacher should examine these notebooks once a week and make necessary corrections. Where an illiterate woman is enrolled, her note books may be written by the teacher or some other trainee. Individual attention should be paid to each trainee to enable her to achieve the desired skill by end of the course.

20.2. Internal Tests. The trainees should be given tests both for theory and practical work in the 1st week of every month to evaluate their progress and ensure that special attention is given to the aspects in which a particular trainee is weak so that by end of the training all trainees acquire necessary skill. The record of these tests may be kept in the trainees’ notebooks for ready reference

21.Preparing trainees for employment. Since one of the objectives of the scheme is empowerment of women through skill development, it should be ensured that at least 70% of the trainees should be able to contribute to family income either through employment or self employment, within 6 months of the completion of the training. To achieve this objective, it should be ensured that the women are well trained and they should be helped to get employment . 



  1. On completion of training, the students should be got tested by a Nursing Sister and the result of the test (theory+practical) should be maintained by the NGO as per Annex-7. A teacher who has imparted training should not be appointed as examiner for the same class.  The NGO may allow the trainees who fail the test to sit in the class for next batch but their number will not be included in the number of regular trainees enrolled under Para 3.
  2. Certificates. On completion of the training a certificate in the format at Annex 8 may be issued to the women who have completed their training and passed the test. The NGO may modify the certificate, if necessary, but it should clearly mention that the training has been imparted with the help of grant received from Punjab Govt. through SOSVA.


  1. Proper follow up should be done of trainees after completion of training to find out whether they are able to obtain employment/ self-employment and help them to secure it whenever necessary Provisions has been made in the budget for expenditure as follow up. A statement showing trainees who have received training in the previous batch and their follow up record should be kept in the format at Anx -9. Status regarding trainees of 2nd batch of the previous  year should be prepared in the beginning of training for current year+status regarding trainees of 1st batch of current year should be prepared indicating on completion of their training. NGOs which had implemented a project for training in any other skill during the previous year should prepare the statement for second batch of previous year in that skill. Where the trainee is found to be not employed/ self-employed, efforts should be made to secure employment, self employment even if the NGO has been running the project during current year at some other locations or in a different skill. Efforts made and results achieved may be recorded in the statement. Where the trainee subsequently obtains employment/ self employment, information about the same may be entered under relevant columns.
  2. A session may be held with trainees of the previous batch after about 3 to 4 months of completion of training to get feedback about the utility of training and any changes required to improve their chance for self-employment or to get employment. A brief record of the session, indicating the number of trainees who attended and their feedback should be kept. Any suggestions which may be considered useful should be sent to SOSVA. The expenditure on this may be met out of provision made in the budget for follow up.




  1. All communication from SOSVA will be by email. NGOs should also send all communication by email except where original document is to be sent e.g. UCs which should be sent by courier or registered post.


  1. Copy of these guidelines along with the syllabus and instructions that are issued from SOSVA which have to be implemented by a teacher should be given to her.


  2. Separate Bank Account. A separate bank account should be opened, as far as possible, in which funds received for the project should be credited and from which expenditure should be incurred.
  3. Expenditure within Budget Provisions

            The expenditure on each head must, as far as possible, be kept within the amount indicated in the budget. Where it is not possible to do so, for reasons to be given at the time of submission of UCs, it may be exceeded by up to 10%. The total expenditure must, in no case, exceed the overall allocation. Expenditure on any item in excess of 10% will have to be borne by the NGO even if total expenditure on the Project is within the sanctioned budget.


  1. Payments by Cheque. Payment of honorarium to staff, and for all purchases of Rs. 2000/ or more, should be made by cheque or direct credit to payee’s account.
  2. Receipt & Expenditure Register. A separate Receipt & Expenditure Register should be maintained in which grant received from SOSVA, interest received in bank a/c and fee received from trainees should be entered as these are received and expenditure incurred on the project whether in cash or through cheque should be entered as it is incurred. Vouchers such as receipts for salaries, cash memo for material purchases etc. should be serially numbered and kept in a separate file.
  3. Ledger. A ledger should also be maintained in which expenditure should be entered separately under each head for which allocation has been made in the budget such as honorarium, cost of material etc.
  4. Stock Register. A stock register of the material purchased out of the grant should be maintained indicating date of purchase with Vr. No. and its issue to trainees.
  5. Inspection of Accounts. Account books should be made available to the Chairman, Member Directors or Programme Mangers when they visit the centre after prior information. For this purpose accounts may be obtained from the Accountant, if necessary. Where accounts are maintained on the computer, a printout of relevant entries in the cash book and the ledger should be made available.
  6. 35. Utilization Certificates. A utilization certificate along with receipt and payment statement in the prescribed form duly audited by a Chartered Accountant and signed by Authority Signatory of NGOs shall be furnished for the grant released for half year within the period specified in the letter sending the installment covering the half year and for the whole period of the grant within 15 days of expiry of that period. Interest received from bank and fees received from trainees should be included under receipt head. If the total expenditure on the project during the year, after excluding expenditure incurred under any budget head after allowing 10% excess vide Para 29 is less than grant received + bank interest + fee received from trainees, the unspent amount should be refunded by ‘payable at par’ cheque/ bank draft drawn in favour of SOSVA (N) Social Security.


  2. Since the project being implemented is funded from the grant given by the State Government, A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of the project for the same area is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received. Thus for example if the project is implemented at a particular place for 3 years during 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19, the record for all these 3 years should be preserved till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022 . If the project has been implemented only for 2 years say 2017-18 and 2018-19 and discontinued thereafter, the record for these 2 years should be maintained at least till 3 years after 31 March 2019 i.e. up to 31 March 2022.


  1. The records to be maintained include the following:
  2. Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  3. Guidelines and instructions issued by SOSVA for implementation of the project.
  4. Pass book or bank statements.
  5. Cash book and ledger.
  6. All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant.
  7. Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.
  8. Audited UCs including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet.
  9. Lists of women, with their addresses and contact numbers, who received training.
  10. Result of tests.

















                                                                                                Annexure 1



FROM _____________ TO________________



































 *1.  SC (Scheduled Caste); BPL (Below Poverty Line); SRC(Smart Ration card); LIO (Low Income Occupation);

  1. ENTER ONLY ONE CATEGORY. Thus if a trainee belongs to SC and is also Smart Ration card holder her name should be   ticked  (  √       ) only under SC. If a trainee is BPL card holder and also has a Smart Ration card she should be ticked only under BPL. Trainees belonging to Low Income Occupation families should be so ticked only if they do not belong to SC, BPL or Smart Ration card Holder families. In their case the occupation will be mentioned under this column.







Annexure 2


Block 1:  Basics of Home Based Care

Unit 1:      Introduction to Home Based Care

Unit 2:      Communication and Interpersonal Relationship

Unit 3:      Infection – Prevention and Control

Unit 4:      First Aid at Home particularly relating to fractures, burns and bleeding

Unit 5:      Care of Elderly – maintaining safe, healthy and secure environment for elderly.                 


Block 2: Health Conditions / Problems Requiring Home Based Care

Unit 1:      Introduction to Human Body Systems

Unit 2:      (a)  Problems Related to Brain (Nervous System)

               (b) Care of Patients suffering from Parkinson  Disease, Alzheimer

Unit 3:      (a)  Problems Related to Digestive and Urinary Organs

                  (b) Care of Patients suffering from Urinary Tract Infection

Unit 4:      (a)  Problems Related to Heart, Blood Vessels and Lungs

                 (b) Care of Patients who had heart attack , stroke, TB, Asthma, Bronchitis

Unit 5:        (a)   Problems Related to Bones, Joints, Muscles and other conditions

(b) Care of Patients suffering from Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis 

Unit 6:      Care of Patients suffering from Cancer

Block 3:   Components of Basic Care – I

Unit 1:      Hygienic Measure

Unit 2:      Comfort and Safety Measures

Unit 3:      Administration of Medicine

Unit 4:      Dietary Management


Block 4:   Components of Basic Care – II

Unit 1:      Supportive Care

Unit 2:      Care of Dying Person

Unit 3:      Monitoring and Follow Up

Unit 4     Recognizing Symptoms of Heart Attacks and Stroke, managing the patient till arrival of doctor or ambulance.








Practical Manual – I

Skill 1:      History Taking Skills – Making notes of daily progress of persons under care

Skill 2:      Skills Related to Personal Hygiene, use of bed pans for urine and stools

Skill 3:      Measurement of Vital Signs – TPR (Temperature, Pulse, Respiration)

Skill 4:      Measurement of Blood Pressure, management of high and low blood pressure.

Skill 5:      Giving Positions with use of comfort devices; helping patients/elderly who cannot walk

Skill 6:      Helping patients in physiotherapy

Skill 7:      Skills in giving medicines

Skill 8:      Massaging the patient

Skill 9 :     Practical on dummies (in hospitals)

Skill 10:    Bio-medical waste disposal.



Practical Manual – II

Skill 11:    Skills related to collection of samples at home.

Skill 12:    Skills related to feeding of patients

Skill 13:    Skills related to elimination needs

Skill 14:    Skills in Giving Inhalation

Skill 15:    Skills in Dressing and Suction

Skill 16:    Skills related to hot and cold application

Skill 17:    Assisting patients in mbulation
















Annexure 3





B.P. Apparatus






Steam Inhaler


Reppling mattress


Weighing Machine


Hot Water Bottle


Rubber Sheet/Mackintosh


Draw Sheet






Call Bell


Plastic Bags Blue, black and yellow






Syringes  50 cc and 100 cc


Foley Catheter




Suction Catheter


Oxygen Mask


Small scissors 


Uro Bag


Gloves (Disposable) – Packet


Mask – Packet


Hair Cap – Packet


Sponge Cloth




Tooth Brush







                                                                                Anx. 4         


sosvw rwhIM imlI pMjwb srkwr dI gRWt nwl clwieAw jw irhw grIb AorqW  ਲਈ hom nrisMg kors dw kyMdr








































Anx. 5





rohp n’osK bJh  bjUrgW Aqy gMBIr bImwrI bwly bjUrgW dI GrylU dyKBwl (Home Based Care for the Elderly and Chronically Sick)  tRyinMg ;?ANo

1)     fJj ;?ANo  gzikp  ;oeko  gk;’  wdo r?o ;oekoh ;z;Ek  ;’;tk d[nkok gqkgs ftshJ/  ;jkfJsk Bkb  ubkfJnk ik fojk W .

2)/ Nq/fBzr dk e’o; 6 mhIinAW  dk j’t/rk .

3) Nq/fBzr lYn vwlI hr Aorq nUM 150 rU mhInw PIs dyxI hovygI [

4) Twhd ehsh iKdh W fe f;fynkoEh jo o’i jkio j’D . i/eo fe;h f;fynkoEh dh jkioh 80% s’A xZN j’t/ sK T[; Bz{ gq’i/eN Kqm hox qy srtIiPkyt  nhI idqw jwvygw .

4) nro fe;/ Bz{ ;?ANo d/ ;zpX ftZu fe;h soQK dh e’Jh iSekfJs j’t/ sK T[j j/m fby/ gs/ s/ iSekfJs eo ;edk j?  .


;[;kfJNh cko ;oft; N{ tkbzNoh J/iz;hi

eo{Bk ;dD , ewok Bz 18, gfjbh wzfib , ;?eNo – 11 ph , uzvhrV


Email  –














Annexure 6






Ice Caps


Transfer Forceps




Dressing Kit


Betadine Solution Bottle


Cotton Rolls


Normal Saline Bottle








Small Towel for Sponging


Registers (Attendance)


Hair Oil


Shampoo Bottle


Bath Soap


Talcum Powder




Gauze piece (4×4)


Liquid soap bottle










Anx – 7

Performa for Cutting & Tailoring Examination:


Sr. No

Name of Trainee

Father’s /Husband Name

Theory paper

Maximum Marks=100

Practical exam



Practical File

Maximum Marks=25




Total Marks=200

Marks obtained




































           Annexure 8




Name of NGO


Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and as Amended by Punjab Amendment Act.,1957, Govt. of Punjab




This is to certify that Mrs./ Ms. ____________________________ wife/daughter of    Sh. ____________________ Resident of _________________________ has completed six months training from ___________to ___________in          ______________ (Name of skill)  funded by Govt. of Punjab

through SOSVA, Punjab as Mother NGO .


Date of Issue :                                                                                              Chief Functionary


                                                                                                                        (Stamp of NGO)




Annexure 9


IN (NAME OF SKILL) ________________________________ FROM _____________ TO _____________





























*REMARKS will include reasons for not utilizing the training and help rendered by the NGO.








Performa for Examination:


Sr. No

Name of Trainee

Father’s /Husband Name

Theory paper

Maximum Marks=100

Practical exam



Practical File

Maximum Marks=25




Total Marks=200

Marks obtained
























GUIDELINES for                                                                



       The main objective of the programme is to supplement the efforts of Health Department to improve the health status of the poorer sections and in particular:

  1. To improve the health status of pregnant women and lactating mothers and reduce maternal mortality.
  2. To improve the health status of children up to 6 years of age and reduce infant and child mortality.
  3. To improve health of adolescent girls and sensitize them on health issues.
  4. To improve health of general public by creating awareness regarding nutrition, personal hygiene & sanitation, harmful effects of intoxicants.
  5. To promote use of Ayurveda and Yogic exercises for improvement in general health status..
  6. To improve health care of aged by creating awareness about major diseases and promoting annual medical check for their timely detection and awareness about facilities under National Programme for care of elderly.



 The main role of NGOs in the programme will be:

  1. Creating awareness about various issues regarding health of pregnant women, adolescent girls, young children, lactating mothers and elderly from poorer sections of society through group discussion & visits to households.
  2. Persuading and where necessary helping poor people in project area to take benefit of Government schemes
  3. Persuading the intended beneficiaries to attend the outreach camps being organized by the Health Deptt. and persons above 30 years to get their annual medical check-up done in CHCs and Hospitals where these check ups are done free.
  4. Organizing camps for promoting use of Ayurvedic treatment and home based remedies.
  5. Holding classes for yoga exercises.





         3.1    NGOs should also prepare a list of maternal deaths which occurred in their project area (deaths which occurred due to complications during pregnancy and child birth)

 3.2 NGOs should carry out the Baseline Survey of the area covered by the project by visit to each household in the area and record the information in the register to be supplied by SOSVA. The objective of the survey is to ascertain the position at the beginning of the project in regard to various activities which are to be undertaken so that achievement at the end of the project period can be compared with position in the beginning of the project.  It would also provide necessary information about the population under the project area required for implementation of the project.

 3.3      At the end of the survey the Baseline Analysis Report may be sent to SOSVA in the prescribed format. The survey should be completed and the Baseline Analysis Report submitted within 2 months of the commencement of the project. At the same time relevant information from baseline Survey Register should be entered in the Service Register provided by SOSVA for implementation of the project.

  3.4   Where the Baseline Survey indicates that there is no anganwadi in some parts of project area or the number of anganwadis is inadequate to allow registration of all children willing to be registered, the matter may be intimated to SOSVA at the earliest without waiting for completion of the survey so that the Department of Social Security Women and Child Development is requested to open more anganwadis in the area. Normally, one anganwadi is required to serve about 1000  population.

3.5     Further, if it is found that nutrition is not being provided to children, pregnant women and lactating mothers for more than 3 months in any Anganwadi, the matter may be taken up with project officer of ICDP without waiting for completion of the survey. If the position remains the same, details may be sent to SOSVA so that it may be taken up with the Department of Social Security Women and Child Development.







4.1.   Group Meetings:- Coordinator and Health Workers should hold separate meetings with pregnant women, lactating mothers and mothers of young children (up to 6 years age), adolescent girls not going to school and persons above 30 years age (separately for women and men, if necessary). In each group meeting there should be 10 to 15 participants (average 12). No. of group meetings to be held are indicated in the sanctioned budget. Refreshment may be provided to participants at an average expenditure of not more than Rs.10/ per participant. In these meetings, awareness may be imparted through interactive discussions on the relevant topics (Relevant IEC pamphlets may also be distributed in these meetings).

In addition to the specific issues to be discussed in the meeting of various targeted groups, it is suggested that the participants may be persuaded to go in for vaccination against Corona virus, if not already done, without any further delay in their own interest and in the interest of the community.  In some sections there has been some hesitancy which is to be overcome by explaining the benefits of vaccination which acts as a shield against COVID.

  1.   Meetings with Pregnant Women

 (i)  Importance of having before delivery minimum 3 ANCs done and taking one IFA tablet daily for 180 days and one calcium tablet daily after 4 months of pregnancy.

(ii) Signs of high risk pregnancies, care for such pregnancies, management of minor problems during pregnancy.                                                                                                       

(iii)  Importance of having  medical check-up done from the doctor under Pradhan  Mantri Surakshit Matritav Abhiyan (PMSMA).

      (iv) Facilities available in government hospitals for free treatment including free tests,     medicines, diet during hospital stay and free conveyance to pregnant women for delivery.  Benefits of institutional deliveries.

      (v) Benefits available under JSY and PMMVY and procedure for availing of the same.

    (vi) The health worker should educate the women in the reproductive age who have 3 or more children about the need for limiting the family size and spacing of children and merits and demerits of various methods.




   (vii)    Where the percentage of deliveries by cesarean operation is more than 20% of total deliveries, the health worker should educate the pregnant women about the risks of cesarean operation and the need to go in for operation only where required on medical grounds.


  1. Meetings with Lactating Mothers and Mothers of Children up to 6 Years
  2. Need for giving Vitamin-A to children 1½ to 5 years age every 6 months.
  3. Need for giving dose of deworming medicine after every 6 months

iii. The schedule of vaccination required to be given to children up to 3 years age. HW should ascertain whether the children have been given all the vaccinations due for their age and if not persuade the mother of the child to take the child to Anganwadi during next visit of ANM for vaccination.

  1. Prevention and management of diarrhea and pneumonia during childhood.
  2. Facility for free treatment of all children up to 1 year age and girl child up to 5 years age in govt. hospitals.
  3.     Meetings with Adolescent Girls Not Going to School
  4. Menstrual hygiene, use of sanitary napkins. 
  5. RTI/STI symptoms, prevention and facilities for treatment.

iii.    Need for proper nutrition.


  1. Meetings with Persons Above 30 Years Age
  2. Major diseases like TB, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, breast/ cervical/ lung cancer – prevention, symptoms and facilities for treatment.
  3. Facilities of cashless free treatment available under Pradhan Mantri Arogya Yojna. Hospitals in which cashless treatment is available in their area and types of treatment for which this facility is available.

                       iii.      Facilities for check up and treatment, available in upgraded PHCs and Health & Wellness  Centres.

  1. Importance of availing facilities of free annual medical check-up in CHCs/ Urban PHCs and district hospitals for early detection of any disease.


4.2    In a project in which whole or part of the area is not covered by anganwadis.

  1. a) If the population of that locality is attached with another anganwadi for purpose of Poshan, the workers under the project should help in implementation of the scheme by persuading intended beneficiaries to attend meetings under the scheme.
  2. b)   If the inhabitants of that locality are not attached to another anganwadi for purpose of the Abhiyan. NGO head should meet the project officer of ICDP to request him to attach the area to some anganwadi. In case it is not done at that level he should inform SOSVA so that the matter maybe taken with Department of Social Security Women and Child Development.  Until  then, 1. In addition to the items mentioned under Sub- Para (a) of Para-4.2, the awareness in respect of following matters should also be conveyed during meetings with pregnant women.
  3. Nutrition during pregnancy, availing of supplementary nutrition from anganwadis
  4. Importance of having proper Hb level and calcium during pregnancy, foods containing iron and calcium, need for taking IFA and calcium tablets regularly for 6 months after 1st trimester of pregnancy. How to deal with minor problems that may arise with their use. Need for taking deworming tablet (Albendazole) between 4th and 6th month of pregnancy.

  iii.  Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) – procedure for obtaining its benefits.

  1. Pradhan Mantri Matritav Vandana Yojana, benefits available under the scheme   and procedure for availing of the benefit
  2. Importance of giving first milk after child birth to the child and exclusive breast feeding for six months: its benefits for the mother and child. How to deal with problems that may arise.
  3. During meetings with lactating Mothers and Mothers of Children up to 6 years, in addition to the items mentioned in Sub-Para (b) of Para-4.1, awareness in respect of following
  4. Need for proper nutrition, availing of benefit of supplementary nutrition for lactating mothers and children from Anganwadi.
  5. Importance of having proper Hb level and calcium during lactation period, foods containing iron and calcium , need for taking IFA tablets and calcium tablets regularly for 6 months after delivery . How to deal with the minor problem that may arise with their use.

iii.   Advantages of exclusive breast feeding for 6 months and how to deal with problems that may arise.

  1. Supplementary food to child after six months.
  2. Problem of anemia among children, diets containing adequate iron for the child, need for supplementing it by giving IFA syrup/tablets regularly. Availing of free distribution of IFA and calcium tablets to lactating mothers and IFA tablets to children by ASHA/ANM. Need for giving de-worming medicine after every 6 months after delivery.


  1. Household Visits.


5.1        Coordinators and health Workers should visit at least 1700(600 by each Health Worker and 500 by Coordinator) households in the project per month. During the visits they should:-

  • Check whether, pregnant women are getting due ANCs done and taking IFA tablets after 3 months and calcium tablets after 4 months of pregnancy regularly.
  • Prepare list of pregnancies which have been declared high risk during an ANC and track them on monthly basis to ensure that they get regular ANCs done, take IFA tablets regularly and have their delivery in a hospital.
  • Prepare a list of children below 1 year who were kept in sick neonatal care units and ensure that they are given exclusive breast feeding for 6 months and  proper medical treatments for any ailments.
  • Interact with beneficiaries including persons above 30 years age who cannot attend the group meetings and convey necessary information about various health issues and Govt. Schemes..
  • Persuade drug addicts, TB patients and HIV/ AIDS patients to go to specialist centres and continue treatment till cured.
  • Find Out
  1. Whether lactating mothers and children from 6 months to 5 years are getting IFA Tablets regularly.
  2. Whether lactating mothers are getting calcium tablets regularly till six months after delivery.
  3.      Whether pregnant women have got check-up done from the doctor under PM   Surakshit Matritva Yojana.
  4. Place where the delivery was done.
  5. Whether delivery was by normal or by caesarean operations.    
  6. Whether pregnant women, lactating mothers and children up to 6 years age living in area served by Anganwadi are getting nutrition from Anganwadi regularly.
  7. Whether pregnant women eligible for JSY who got delivery in government hospital have received the benefit of the scheme.
  8. Whether women and lactating mothers who are eligible for benefit of PM Matritva Vandana Yojana have received the benefit.

 9 .   Whether children below 3 years age had got all the vaccinations due for the age.

  1. Whether children between1 years up to five years got vitamin-A dose after six   month.
  2. Whether children below 6 years had got deworming medicine after every 6 months. 12. Whether the mother had received the PNC which was due.
  3. Whether children up to 6 months are being given exclusive breast feeding.
  4. Whether the persons in the household above 30 years of age had got annual medical check-up
  5. Whether the persons who have received training in Yoga exercises are practising the same

       5.2       The information should be recorded in the relevant statement in the Service   Register for action and submitting quarterly/ half yearly/annual reports. Where it is found that the pregnant women, lactating mothers, children below 6 years, adolescent girls and persons above 30 years are not taking advantage of schemes relating to health, they should be persuaded and if necessary helped to take advantage of these schemes. In particular, pregnant women should be  persuaded to have minimum 3 ANCs, take IFA tablet daily for 180 days before delivery and 6 months after delivery, calcium tablet daily after 4 months pregnancy and  for 6 months after delivery. Special care should be given for pregnant women who are declared high risk during ANC and children less than 1 year old who were admitted in sick neonatal units.

           6    Follow up on Group Meetings and household visits.

6.1 If during the meeting, house hold visit or otherwise it is found that the pregnant women, lactating mothers and children up to 6 years age are not getting nutrition from the anganwandi for more than a month or eligible women are not getting benefits of PMMVY the HW should take up the matter with the anganwadi and, if necessary, with the Supervisor. If it is due to non-availability of supplies in the anganwadi the Coordinator should inform the NGO Head who should take up the matter with the Project Officer in the district and if the problem is still not resolved, he should immediately convey the information to SOSVA so that the matter may be taken up with the Department of Social Security Women and Child Development.

6.2.    Similarly if IFA tablets are not being distributed to pregnant women, lactating mothers and children below 6 years age or out of school adolescent girls or calcium tablets are not given to pregnant women with more than 4 months pregnancy or lactating mothers, or Vitamin-A tablets are not being given to children between 1½ years and 5 years age and deworming tablets are not being given to children below 6 years, or benefit of JSY is not being given to eligible women within one month of completion of relevant papers, the  HW should take up the matter with ANM and thereafter if necessary convey to the NGO head who should take up the matter with concerned SMO or Civil Surgeon’s office. If the problem is not resolved at that level, SOSVA should immediately be informed so that the matter may be taken up with Health & Family Welfare Department.


6.3.   If during household visits or otherwise it is found that the girls going to Govt. schools are not getting sanitary napkins regularly, NGO head should discuss the matter with the concerned authorities in School Education Department in the district. If the problem is not resolved at that level the matter should be reported to SOSVA so that it can be taken up with Department of School Education. Similarly if it is found that adolescent girls in area where these are distributed by Health Department are not getting sanitary napkins regularly, NGO head should discuss the matter with concerned officer in civil surgeon’s office. If the problem is not resolved at that level, SOSVA should immediately be informed so that the matter may be taken up with Health & Family Welfare Department.


  1. Work Plan.

     Coordinator should prepare in the beginning of the month a work plan for activities to be undertaken by each health worker and himself during the month indicating group meetings to be held, household to be  visited, Ayurvedic camps to be organized, yoga classes to be held etc. It should be ensured that the households in which there is any pregnant woman, lactating mother, children below 6 years and persons above 30 years are visited at least once during a quarter, and households in which there are any pregnant women whose pregnancy is recorded as high risk during an ANC or a child below 1 year who was admitted to sick neonatal care unit are visited every month.

  1. Outreach Camps

 NGO head should ascertain from the District Health Authorities the programme for holding outreach camps in the project area or near the area. The project staff should then persuade the intended beneficiaries to attend these camps.

If adequate no. of outreach camps are not being held in a project area NGO head should take up the matter with District Health Authorities. In case of difficulty matter should be referred to SOSVA.

  1. Annual check-up of persons above 30 years.

The NGO head should request SMO in-charge of CHC and other institutions in area a near the project area in which annual check-up of persons above 30 years age is to be done to fix  the date and time on which annual health check up of persons from project area would be done. The project staff should then persuade persons above 30 years in the project area to get their annual medical check-up done on that date


10.Camps for Ayurveda. NGO head should draw up programme for holding camps for promoting Ayurveda treatment and home based remedies in consultation with the Distt. Ayurveda Officer. The number of camps to be held is given in the budget.  The programme may be fixed by 20th of the month for the camps to be held during the next month and sent to SOSVA’s office by email. The Coordinator would then contact  the doctor from the Ayurveda Deptt. for attending the camp as resource person  and health worker will ensure maximum attendance for these camps. In these camps information will be conveyed about Ayurvedic medicines, home based remedies for common ailments and facilities for Ayurvedic treatment in Govt. dispensaries. Medicines for common ailments may also be purchased for these camps within the provision made in the budget in consultation with the Distt. Ayurveda Officer.  At least 4-5 photos of each camp showing the participants should be taken on the mobile camera and sent to SOSVA through mail and should preserved till monitoring visit by Chairman, Member Director or Programme Manager.

  1. Yogic Exercises. NGO head should decide, in consultation with District Ayurveda Officer, the dates for holding the classes for yogic and breathing exercises. Classes will be held on dates and time convenient to the trainees and the trainer.  No. of Yoga classes  to be held are indicated in the sanctioned budget . The classes should be held in different parts of the project area.


  1. The training will be imparted by an official trained in yoga, from Distt. Ayurveda. The Coordinator will contact the Distt. Ayurveda Officer so that the trainer can take classes at the fixed time. In these classes trainees will also be taught about exercises which are especially useful for certain ailments and exercises which should be avoided in case of certain ailments or during pregnancy, breast feeding etc. The classes may be held for about one hour a day at a time convenient to the trainees. Classes may be arranged for any age group as per requirement. The number of trainees in a class may vary from 25 to 30. The Health Worker will prepare a list of persons who will participate in these classes. If, for any reason, it is not possible to arrange 25 trainees in a class it may also be held for lesser numbers not less than 15. Their attendance may be taken be Health Workers or the trainer. If necessary, separate classes may be held for men and women.  Refreshment may be provided to the trainees who attend the class out of provision made in the budget for holding these classes.


  1. A booklet depicting various Asanas, their advantages etc., which will be supplied by SOSVA, may also be distributed among trainees in those classes so that they can refer to these when subsequently practicing yoga exercises.


  1. At least 4-5 photos of each class, showing the participants should be taken on the mobile camera and preserved till monitoring visit by Chairman, Member Director or Programme Manager. These photos should be sent to SOSVA through e mail.








  1. Qualifications of the Staff :-

12.1) Project Coordinator :

Trained ANM or Multi Purpose Health Worker with 3 years experience or M.A. in Social Sciences

with experience in health or community health education.


Graduate with Multi Purpose Health Worker diploma with 2 years experience in health or

Community Health Education.

Health Worker :

Trained as ANM or Nurse or Multipurpose Health Worker from Recognized Institution or Certificate

 in Jan Swasthya from National Institute of Open Schools.


Health supervisory certificate in community health worker with 3 years experience in Maternity Ward/Nursing care centre.

Health Workers should preferably be females. If a male is to be recruited he should also be trained

as Multi Purpose Health Worker with experience in health related field and there should be at least 1 female health worker.                                   

The staff should have good communication skills & should preferably be residing within 5 kms from the Project area. No worker should be appointed who lives at a distance of more than 15 kms  from  Project area. Coordinator should have the capacity to supervise work of Health Workers and to liaison with offices from Health and other Departments.

12.2).A list of staff appointed on the Project indicating date of appointment and qualifications should be sent to SOSVA by email for information soon after appointment. If any worker resigns or is removed, SOSVA should be informed immediately through email. SOSVA should also be informed by email as soon as new staff is appointed in her place, indicating her qualification and the date of joining.

In case it is desired to appoint any person who does not fulfill above qualifications, the qualification & experience of such candidate alongwith reasons for relaxation in qualifications may be sent to SOSVA for approval before his/her appointment.

12.3) NGO heads may allow 10 days holidays in a year to the staff. A list of these holidays should be sent to SOSVA. If any change in this list is subsequently made it should also be conveyed to SOSVA. In addition, NGO head may sanction upto 1 day leave for one month service to the staff in the project. Salary should be deducted for any leave taken  in excess.  The leave register should be maintained. Leave should  be entered as soon as it is sanctioned. If Coordinator or HW proceeds on leave for more than 3 days, SOSVA should be immediately informed when she proceeds on leave and thereafter when she rejoins.

13 A)  Role of Coordinator :

  1. i) Coordinator should divide the project area between the 2 HWs. She should also keep a part of the project area with herself where she will perform the duties of HW.
  2. ii) The Coordinator will supervise the work of the HWs , obtain information from them regarding their area and prepare consolidated reports for baseline survey, quarterly/ half yearly and annual progress reports and other information that may be required by SOSVA.


  1. 14. Project Office should be set up within the Project area or very near it so that the inhabitants can contact the Project staff easily.
  2. Training :-

Training for RCH staff is organized by SOSVA out of provision made for the same in the NGOs budget. Sometimes, some staff is appointed after the training in the vacancy caused due to resignation etc of original staff. The health workers in such cases may be given training by the Coordinator or the existing health staff or sent to SOSVA office for training after fixing the date with Programme Manager. A Coordinator who is appointed after the training workshop and who has not worked on any RCH project previously should be sent to SOSVA office for training after fixing the date with the Programme Manager. The expenditure on his/her travel may be debited to the provision in the budget for training.

  1. I.E.C. Material:

16.1 IEC material will be produced centrally out of provision for the same in NGO’s budget and supplied from SOSVA to field NGOs. Record about distribution of IEC material received from SOSVA to Health Workers should be maintained by Coordinator and about distribution to target groups by Health Workers in the Stock Register. Flexes on important messages may also be produced centrally & given to NGOs. They should get these pasted at important places like PHCs, Schools, and Panchayat Ghar etc. Record of the places at which these have been pasted should be kept in Stock Register.



16.2  HWs should distribute IEC material during group meetings as per requirement of participants in those meetings e.g. material regarding care of pregnant women should be distributed in the meetings  with pregnant woman , care of young children in meetings  with mothers of young children , on adolescent health in meetings with adolescent girls etc. These may also be distributed to the target individuals who are not able to attend the meetings in their house.  A copy of the booklet regarding information on various health issues supplied by SOSVA may be distributed among all households with atleast one literate person. A copy of material may also be supplied to the peer educators. Material in Punjabi may be distributed in households where atleast 1 member can read Punjabi . In other households , it may be distributed in Hindi if there is atleast 1 member who can read Hindi.


  1. Records and Registers:

17.1        Each NGO is provided a register of household survey by SOSVA, which has to be filled on the basis of baseline survey.  Service Registers are also provided to each NGO for recording the information regarding  pregnant women lactating mothers, young children, adolescent girls and other matters . Information from Survey Registers should be entered in these Registers. These registers should be kept updated on the basis of information, which the field staff gets during the course of their visit to the field. For instance in the list of children details of the children born subsequently may be added and those who may die or cross the age of 6 years may be deleted. The name of girls who attain age of +9 yrs may be included in the list  of adolescent girls.

Similarly in the case of pregnant women the new pregnancies may be added and those where deliveries take place or pregnancy is otherwise terminated may be deleted after making entries in the relevant column.

17.2 The activities in the camps register for Ayurvedic camps should be entered at the time when camp is held.

17.3 The NGO should also maintain the  stock register provided by SOSVA. Coordinator should enter in her register, information  regarding receipt and distribution of sanitary napkins , showing the dates on which these are received and dates  on which and the health worker to whom those have been supplied. The health workers should maintain their stock register showing the sanitary napkins received from the Coordinator and their issues distributions to the beneficiaries during household visits with dates of distribution.                                                                                                                       

Record regarding receipt and distribution of IEC material should also be kept in this register.

17.4 Health Workers and Coordinators will also be supplied diaries. They should record daily activcities in those diaries.






  1. Reports: NGOs are required to submit quarterly, half yearly and annual reports in the prescribed proforma. Although they are not required to send the monthly reports, they should prepare these for their own record and review of performance. These will be helpful in preparing the QPRs and in showing progress to monitoring officers.


  1. Accounts:

19.1) Separate bank account should be opened for the project as far as possible . In any case , separate cashbook should be maintained of expenditure incurred out of funds provided under the Project. Expenditure incurred under each head of the sanctioned budget should also be recorded separately in a ledger. Proper receipts should be maintained of honorarium paid to the staff and  doctors. Proper cash memo /receipts or  vouchers should also be kept for other expenditure. All vouchers , cash memos/ receipts should be serially numbered and maintained in a separate file.

19.2) Where passbooks are issued by the bank, these should be got updated every month. Where bank statements are issued, these should be maintained in a separate file. Bank reconciliation statement should be prepared every month and kept in a file.

19.3) Where accounts are maintained in computer, a print out should be taken after end of every month and placed in a file so that any person visiting the project can see the same.

       19.4) If a/c books  are kept at another station the same, or their printout where accounts are maintained on computer, should be brought at the time of monitoring visit when  due notice is given before the visit. In case for any reason it is not possible to show the accounts, on the date indicated for the visit, Programme Manager should be informed at least 1 day before the proposed date by email or on phone so that visit may be made on some other date. If the accounts are not shown at the time of visit, these will have to be brought to SOSVA’s office for scrutiny at NGO’s  expenditure.

19.5)    Utilization Certificates duly audited by Chartered Accountant and signed by the Chief Functionary of the NGO are required to be submitted half yearly within 15 days of the end of half year period for 1st instalment of the grant received. Subsequently U.C. for the grant received during the whole year is required to be submitted within 15 days of end of the year. The bank interest received in the account also needs to be added to the grant received. The bank interest would become additional amount available for expenditure on the project. The amount of the bank interest received, may be spent on any of the heads in the project where such expenditure may be necessary subject to the condition that the total expenditure under any head should not exceed the budget provision by more than 10%. In case of sanitary napkins supplied to adolescent girls on subsidized rate, the total expenditure incurred on purchase of the napkins should be shown as expenditure and the amount received for supply at subsidized rate shown as receipt .





19.6) Expenditure under each head has to be within the provision made for that head in the sanctioned budget. For the sake of providing some flexibility, NGOs are allowed to spend upto 10% of the amount sanctioned under a head in excess of the amount sanctioned under that head.  Any expenditure which exceeds the sanctioned amount under a head by more than 10% will have to be borne by the NGO itself and will not be included in the expenditure incurred on the project.                                                        

Any unspent balance out of total grant + interest at the end of the year is required to be refunded to SOSVA, alongwith the UCby cheque/bank draft in favour of SOSVA (N) RCH payable at chandigarh.

19.7)  Grants are now credited directly to NGO’s a/cs. NGO head should ensure that the requisite information regarding bank a/c to which the amount has to be credited are correctly intimated so that there is no credit to a wrong a/c.


  1. 20. (i) Payments of honorarium to the staff or for any purchase for more than Rs. 2,000/- should be made by cheque or by direct credit to bank account. Honorarium to resource persons can be paid by cash against proper receipt. All purchases should be supported by cash memo/bills.

       (ii) Minimum 3 quotations should be collected from vendors for purchasing any item above Rs.  2,000/-                 


  1. Preservation of Records:

Since the RCH project being implemented is funded from the grant given by State Govt. A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of the project for the same area is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received.

The record to be maintained should include the following: –

  1. Pass book or bank statement
  2. Cash book and ledger
  • All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant
  1. Audited UC including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet
  2. Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  3. Guidelines and instructions issued for implementation of the project by SOSVA.
  • Survey registers and service registers
  • Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.




  1. Copy of the following schemes and relevant information are enclosed:-

Anx. 1      Programme for supply of IFA tablets

Anx.2     Janani Surksha Yojna

Anx. 3     Janani Shishu Surksha Karyakaram

Anx.4      Schedule of Vaccination

Anx.5      Expected Average Weight of children in India

Anx. 6     Main Features of Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan

        Anx. 7     Main features of Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandna Yojna(PMMVY)


























  Anxe – 1 to guidelines

Programme for supply of IFA tablets

Age Group




6–60 months

1ml of IFA syrup

containing 20 mg of

elemental iron and

100 mcg of folic acid

Twice a week throughout

the period 6–60

months of age and

de-worming for

children 12 months and above

Through ASHA

Inclusion in MCP

( Mother & Child) card

5–10 years

Tablets of 45 mg

elemental iron and

400 mcg of folic acid

Weekly throughout the

period 5–10 years of

age and every 6 months




In school through

teachers and for out-of school

children through

Anganwadi centre (AWC)

10–19 years

100 mg elemental iron

and 500 mcg of folic acid

Weekly throughout the

period 10–19 years of

age and every 6 months


In school through teachers

and for those out-of-school

through AWC

Pregnant and lactating


100 mg elemental iron

and 500 mcg of

folic acid

1 tablet daily for 100

days, starting after the

first trimester, at

14–16 weeks of gestation. To be repeated for 100 days

after delivery . Where Hb is between 9 gms & 11 gms 2 tablets per day for 100 days both for pregnant woman and lactating woman.


Inclusion in MCP card











Anx. 2 to guidelines


jnnI  suriKAw Xojnw ADIn idqy jw rhy lwB

jnnI  suriKAw Xojnw ADIn grIbI ryKw qo hyT Aqy AYs. sI. pirvwrW nUM hyT  ilKI mwlI shwieqw idqI jWdI hY :


  1. ipMf dIAW AorqW nUM pI. AYc. sI. jw srkwrI hspqwlW ivc flIvrI krwaux qy – 700 rupey
  2. SihrW dIAW AorqW nUM pI. AYc. sI. jW srkwrI hspqwl ivc flIvrI krwaux qy – 600 rupey
  3. e) Gr ivc jW iksy hor QW qy flIvrI hox qy jykr grBvqI dw nwEu ey.AYn.AYm. (ANM) kol rijstrf hovy Aqy jnypw ey.AYn.AYm. (ANM) , nrs jW lyvI hYlQ ivijtr (LHV) qO krvwieAw jwvy qW ipMfw/ SihrW dIAW AorqW nUM 500 rupey idqy jWdy hn


  1. grIbI ryKw qo hyT (BPL) jW AnusUicq jwqI dw srtIiPkyt ipMf dw srpMc Aqy Sihr dw imaUMispl kwauMslr jwrI kr skdw hY [
















Anx. 3 to guidelines


jnnI iSSu suriKAw kwrIXkrm

  • muPq jxypy dI suivDw (nwrml qy sjyrIAn)
  • muPq ielwj , dvweIAW Aqy ifspojybl smwn
  • muPq jWc ijvy Kun, ivSwb Aqy AltwsWauMf Awid) Aqy loV pYx qy muPq Kun cVwaux dI suivDw
  • nwrml jxypy dI sUurq ivc 3 idnW qk Aqy sjyrIAn hox qy 7 idnW qk hspqwl ivc dwKl rihx qy Kwxw muPq imlx dI suivDw
  • muPq Awaux jwx dI suivDw Gr qo ishq sMsQw qk qy rYPr hox dI sUurq ivc dUjI ishq sMsQw qk jwx qy Gr vwpsI qk dI shUlq
  • hspqwl ivc iksy vI qrHW dy XUjr cwrijj qo pUrI qrHW Cot
  • iek swl qk dy lVky Aqy pMj swl dIAW lVkIAW leI rwj dy swry srkwrI hspqwlW ivc fwktrI ielwj iblkul muPq






















                  Anx. 4 to guidelines

tIk`krn leI inrDwirq smW

inrDwirq smW


ibmwrIAW dI rokQwm


jnm dy smyN


hYpyt`eIts bI, polIE (A.pI.vI.)-0


hYpyt`eIts bI (pIlIAw), polIE


jnm qoN 12 mhIny q@k





6 h&qy


pYNt`vylYNt (fI.pI.tI.+hYpytweIts-bI

+ ihb), polIE (E.pI.vI.)





glGotU, kwlI KwsI, tYtns, hYpytweIts bI

(pIlIAw), nmUnIAw Aqy idmwgI buKwr Aqy polIE

Ksrw Aqy AMDrwqw

10 h&qy


pYNt`vylYNt (fI.pI.tI.+ hYpytweIts -bI

+ ihb), polIE (E.pI.vI.)


14 h&qy


pYNt`vylYNt-polIE (A.pI.vI.) +

AweI.pI.vI. (ie@k tIk`)


9-12 mhIny

Ksry dw pihlwtIkw Aqy ivtwimn  ey


Ksrw Aqy AMDrwqw


16-24 mhIny

fI.pI.tI. (bUstr), polIE (E.pI.vI.)

Aqy Ksry dI dUsrW  tIkw + ivtwimn

 (dUsrI Kurwk )


glGotU, kwlI KwsI, tYtns,

polIE ,Ksrw Aqy AMDrwqw

18 mhIny Eqy aus qoN

b`Ed hryk 6 mhIny

qy 5 swl dI aumr q@k


ivtwimn  ey



5-6 swl



glGotU, kwlI KwsI, tYtns

10 swl Aqy 16 swl

tI. tI .








Anx. 5 to guidelines


Expected Average Weight of Children in India








2.6 kg

2.6 kg

3 months

5.3 kg

5.0 kg

6 months

6.7 kg

6.2 kg

9 months

7.4 kg

6.9 kg

1 yr

8.4 kg

7.8 kg

2 yrs

10.1 kg

9.6 kg

3 yrs

11.8 kg

11.2 kg






















Anx. 6 to guidelines


Main Features of Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)

  • The scheme provides for free medical check up of all women with 3 to 6 months pregnancy .
  • Check ups include tests for blood pressure, sugar level, weight, haemoglobin test, blood test and screening
  • All kinds of medical checkups under this scheme are completely free


  • The check up will take place on 9th of every month.
  • A pregnant woman who attends the clinic for the tests for the 1st time need not attend it subsequently unless asked by the doctor at the clinic.
  • Light refreshments may be provided to the pregnant women attending the test.
  • Free transportation facility is also provided to the pregnant women if asked by her.
  • The tests will take place in government and private hospitals which agree to participate in the scheme.














Anx. – 7 to guidelines

Main Features of Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandna Yojna  (PMMVY)


  • All pregnant women and lactating mothers who have their pregnancy on or after 1.1.2017 for 1st child in family are eligible except those who are in regular employment in central or state government or public sector undertakings and those who receive similar benefit from their employer.
  • Cash incentive will be provided to the eligible pregnant women and lactating mothers in 3 instalments :-
  1. 1st instalment of Rs.1,000/- on early registration of pregnancy at anganwadi centre and with ANM.
  2. 2nd instalment of Rs.2,000/- after six months of pregnancy provided she has received atleast first ante-natal check up.
  • 3rd instalment of Rs. 2,000/- after child birth is registered and the child has been received 1st BCG, OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or Pentavalent vaccination.


  • The cash benefit will be credited directly to the bank account of the eligible beneficiary.


  • The benefits under JSY are in addition wherever conditions under that scheme are full filled.








  2. The objective of the projects is to impart training to both boys and girls for home care of elderly and chronically sick persons,


  2. Publicity about Programme: Publicity about the programme may be done though announcements/posters in religious institutions and through village sarpanches/ pradhans, etc. The expenditure may be met out of provision for contingencies.
  3. Trainees to be Enrolled: Training is to be imparted in 4 batches of 3 months each. Each batch will consist of 25 trainees. Efforts should be made to ensure that all 25 trainees are enrolled at the beginning of the session. For the second , third or fourth batch, trainees should be enrolled at least 15 days before start of training. In any case, no trainee should be enrolled after one month of the start as she will not be able to acquire the necessary skill to utilize the training. The NGO may, if necessary, enroll up to 28 trainees in the beginning so that, if up to 3 trainees drop out before completion, 25 trainees would still be able to complete the training. If by end of 1st month of the start of the 1st batch or by start of the 2nd and subsequent batch number of women enrolled is less than 25, SOSVA should be immediately informed about the number of women enrolled so that decision may be taken whether to continue or discontinue the project.
  4. The trainees should be at least matriculates and should not be below 18 years age. It should be ensured that those selected for training are able to acquire relevant skill and prepare note books (in English, Punjabi or Hindi.


  1. Ineligible Trainees. Person studying in a school or college should not normally be enrolled as they are not likely to utilize the training in the near future .
  2. List of Trainees. A list of trainees should be maintained in the format at Annex 1. This list should be kept up to date by deleting names of persons who leave the training midway and adding those who join in their place within 1 month of start of training. A copy of the list for the 1st batch should be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of the start of the 1st batch and list of 2nd batch within 7 days of beginning of 2nd batch.  In case the list is not received within 7 days of start of training it will be assumed that training was stated from the date on which list was sent by email and salary of the teacher may be allowed from that date.

If any trainee is enrolled thereafter under Para-3, and not later than 1 month of start of training a revised list in Annexure-1 should be sent within one month of the start of  batch.                                                                                            

  1. Fees for the Programme. Rs. 150/- p.m. should be collected from the trainees as fee, against receipts to be issued by field NGO. The NGO may, if so desired, not collect the fee from any trainee the trainees who cannot afford it or recover a smaller amount but the same will have to be borne by it from its own resources or by donations.


  1. Syllabus for the programme is given in Annex 2. In case any additional items or modification in the syllabus  are considered necessary for improving employability of the trainees, there is no objection to those being made in the syllabus. The changes made in the syllabus should be intimated to SOSVA. A monthly breakup of the syllabus to be covered should be sent to SOSVA within 15 days of the start of the training. Its copy should also be kept in the Centre.
  2. Practical training may be given at Government hospitals. Necessary permission for this purpose has been accorded by Director, Health and Family Welfare, Punjab. Any Incidental expenses on clinical training may be incurred, if required, out of provision in the budget for travelling expenses of trainers & trainees.



10.1 The trainer should be BSc Nursing. Copy of the certificate should be sent to SOSVA immediately after her appointment.

      10.2  Where a teacher leaves service, or if she is removed, SOSVA should be informed  immediately. SOSVA should also be immediately informed when a new teacher is appointed.     The qualifications mentioned in Para 10.1 are equally applicable in her case, too. 10.3 Particulars of the teacher indicating the name, qualification, mobile no. and whether it has facility of WhatsApp should be sent within seven days of start of training or where a new teacher is appointed under Para-10.1 within 7 days of her appointment. Copy of her certificate should also be sent to SOSVA within 7 days of her appointment.

  1. Teachers may be granted leave @1 day per month of service. For any leave taken in excess, salary for extra days of absence should be deducted. Substitute teacher may be appointed, if available, and her honorarium for up to 10 days may be met out of provision under ‘Salaries’ ‘honorarium’ or ‘Contingencies’.
  3. Equipment/ Material. NGO will arrange equipment/materials as per Annex 3. The expenditure on the same has to be borne by the NGO
  4. Location. Training is to be imparted in the village/ town mentioned in the Sanction letter if it becomes necessary to change the location, prior approval of SOSVA should be obtained giving:
  5. Reasons for the change.
  6. Population of the proposed village/town.
  7. Distance from the NGO’s office.
  8. Whether a suitable qualified teacher for imparting training at that location has been   located.
  9. 14. Accommodation. The centre where training is imparted should have adequate accommodation for seating of trainees. It should be well lit and trainees should have access to suitable toilet facilities.

Provision has been made in the budget for payment of rent. Where the NGO imparts training in own building the rent at the rate indicated in the budget will be paid by the project to the NGO. Where the training is held in a building obtained rent free, expenditure up to Rs. 3000/- @ Rs. 250/- pm may be incurred on maintenance of the building. In such cases, only expenditure @ Rs.250/- per month should be shown in the UC and not the entire provision made in the budget for rent. Where the NGO is running two projects at the same location, there is no objection to the same premises being used for both the projects. The rent paid in such cases should be divided between the two projects and charged to such projects within the amount provided in the budget.


  1. Banner / Notice. A banner as per design shown in Annex 4 will be displayed prominently at/ outside the venue. Some modifications in the design may be made as necessary but it should clearly state that the Centre is funded by Punjab Government. A notice in the form as shown in Annex 5 should also prominently be displayed at the Centre.   
  3. Timings. Training will be conducted at the venue and during timings intimated to SOSVA before start of the project. Any change should be conveyed immediately. Normally, training should be for at least 4 hours a day for 6 days in a week. In case of power cuts during that period or any other contingency, the timings may be changed but SOSVA should immediately be informed.
  4. Holidays. The NGO may allow holidays up to 10 days in a year. List of holidays should be sent to SOSVA well in advance. Any change in these should also be intimated to SOSVA in advance.  
  5. Attendance. The importance of regular attendance should be drilled into all trainees. The teacher should take daily attendance of the trainees and keep its record in the attendance register. If any trainee does not attend the class for more than 2 days without information, the teacher should contact her/ him and impress on her need for regular attendance. 
  6. Training Material. Provision has been made in the budget for purchase of training material including books. List of items that may be purchased out of this provision is at Annex 6. Other expendable items required for training may also be purchased out of this provision within the budget amount. The books to be supplied to trainees should be in Hindi or Punjabi according to the language in which the trainees will be able to understand.

20.1 Note-Books. All trainees must prepare their practical note books and sample file. The teacher should examine these notebooks once a week and make necessary corrections. Individual attention should be paid to each trainee to enable her to achieve the desired skill by end of the course.

20.2. Internal Tests. The trainees should be given tests both for theory and practical work in the 1st week of every month to evaluate their progress and ensure that special attention is given to the aspects in which a particular trainee is weak so that by end of the training all trainees acquire necessary skill. The record of these tests may be kept in the trainees’ notebooks for ready reference

21.Preparing trainees for employment. Since one of the objective of the scheme is to provide trained person for home care to the elderly and chronically sick. it should be ensured that the candidates are well trained and they should be helped to get employment


  1. On completion of training, the students should be got tested by a Nursing Sister and the result of the test (theory+practical) should be maintained by the NGO as per Annex-7. A teacher who has imparted training should not be appointed as examiner for the same class.  The NGO may allow the trainees who fail the test to sit in the class for next batch but their number will not be included in the number of regular trainees enrolled under Para 3.
  2. Certificates. On completion of the training a certificate in the format at Annex 9 may be issued to the trainees who have completed their training and passed the test. The NGO may modify the certificate, if necessary, but it should clearly mention that the training has been imparted with the help of grant received from Punjab Govt. through SOSVA.


  1. Proper follow up should be done of trainees after completion of training to find out whether they are able to obtain employment/ and help them to secure it whenever necessary Provisions has been made in the budget for expenditure as follow up. A statement showing trainees who have received training in the previous batch and their follow up record should be kept in the format at Anx -8. Status regarding trainees of 2nd batch of the previous  year should be prepared in the beginning of training for current year and status regarding trainees of 1st batch of current year should be prepared on completion of their training Where the trainee is found to be not employed/ self-employed, efforts should be made to secure employment, self employment Efforts made and results achieved may be recorded in the statement. Where the trainee subsequently obtains employment, information about the same may be entered under relevant columns.
  2. A session may be held with trainees of the previous batch after about 3 to 4 months of completion of training to get feedback about the utility of training and any changes required to improve their chance to get employment. A brief record of the session, indicating the number of trainees who attended and their feedback should be kept. Any suggestions which may be considered useful should be sent to SOSVA. The expenditure on this may be met out of provision made in the budget for follow up.



















                                                                                                Annexure 1



FROM _____________ TO________________




Whether belong to SC/ST



































Annexure 2


Block 1:  Basics of Home Based Care

Unit 1:       Introduction to Home Based Care

Unit 2:       Communication and Interpersonal Relationship

Unit 3:       Infection – Prevention and Control

Unit 4:       First Aid at Home particularly relating to fractures, burns and bleeding

Unit 5:       Care of Elderly – maintaining safe, healthy and secure environment for elderly.                 


Block 2: Health Conditions / Problems Requiring Home Based Care

Unit 1:       Introduction to Human Body Systems

Unit 2:       (a)  Problems Related to Brain (Nervous System)

               (b) Care of Patients suffering from Parkinson  Disease, Alzheimer

Unit 3:       (a)  Problems Related to Digestive and Urinary Organs

                  (b) Care of Patients suffering from Urinary Tract Infection

Unit 4:       (a)  Problems Related to Heart, Blood Vessels and Lungs

                 (b) Care of Patients who had heart attack , stroke, TB, Asthma, Bronchitis

Unit 5:        (a)   Problems Related to Bones, Joints, Muscles and other conditions

(b) Care of Patients suffering from Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis 

Unit 6:      Care of Patients suffering from Cancer

Block 3:   Components of Basic Care – I

Unit 1:      Hygienic Measure

Unit 2:      Comfort and Safety Measures

Unit 3:      Administration of Medicine

Unit 4:      Dietary Management


Block 4:   Components of Basic Care – II

Unit 1:      Supportive Care

Unit 2:      Care of Dying Person

Unit 3:      Monitoring and Follow Up

Unit 4     Recognizing Symptoms of Heart Attacks and Stroke, managing the patient till arrival of doctor or ambulance.








Practical Manual – I

Skill 1:      History Taking Skills – Making notes of daily progress of persons under care

Skill 2:      Skills Related to Personal Hygiene, use of bed pans for urine and stools

Skill 3:      Measurement of Vital Signs – TPR (Temperature, Pulse, Respiration)

Skill 4:      Measurement of Blood Pressure, management of high and low blood pressure.

Skill 5:      Giving Positions with use of comfort devices; helping patients/elderly who cannot walk

Skill 6:      Helping patients in physiotherapy

Skill 7:      Skills in giving medicines

Skill 8:      Massaging the patient

Skill 9 :     Practical on dummies (in hospitals)

Skill 10:    Bio-medical waste disposal.



Practical Manual – II

Skill 11:    Skills related to collection of samples at home.

Skill 12:    Skills related to feeding of patients

Skill 13:    Skills related to elimination needs

Skill 14:    Skills in Giving Inhalation

Skill 15:    Skills in Dressing and Suction

Skill 16:    Skills related to hot and cold application

Skill 17:    Assisting patients in mbulation


















Annexure 3





B.P. Apparatus






Steam Inhaler


Reppling mattress


Weighing Machine


Hot Water Bottle


Rubber Sheet/Mackintosh


Draw Sheet






Call Bell


Plastic Bags Blue, black and yellow






Syringes  50 cc and 100 cc


Foley Catheter




Suction Catheter


Oxygen Mask


Small scissors 


Uro Bag


Gloves (Disposable) – Packet


Mask – Packet


Hair Cap – Packet


Sponge Cloth




Tooth Brush







                                                                                Anx. 4         


sosvw rwhIM imlI pMjwb srkwr dI gRWt nwl clwieAw jw irhw hom nrisMg dw ਸਿਖਲਾਈ kyMdr








































Anx. 5







Annexure 6






Ice Caps


Transfer Forceps




Dressing Kit


Betadine Solution Bottle


Cotton Rolls


Normal Saline Bottle








Small Towel for Sponging


Registers (Attendance)


Hair Oil


Shampoo Bottle


Bath Soap


Talcum Powder




Gauze piece (4×4)


Liquid soap bottle










Anx – 7

                          Performa for result of final test


Sr. No

Name of Trainee

Father’s /Husband Name

Theory paper

Maximum Marks=100

Practical exam



Practical File

Maximum Marks=25




Total Marks=200

Marks obtained



































Annexure 8


IN (NAME OF SKILL) ________________ FROM _____________ TO _____________

























*REMARKS will include reasons for not utilizing the training and help rendered by the NGO.






           Annexure 9




Name of NGO


Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and as Amended by Punjab Amendment Act.,1957, Govt. of Punjab




This is to certify that Mr./ Ms. ____________________________ wife/daughter/Son  of    Sh. ____________________ Resident of _________________________ has completed six months training from ___________to ___________in          ______________ (Name of skill)  funded by Govt. of Punjab

through SOSVA, Punjab as Mother NGO .


Date of Issue :                                                                                              Chief Functionary


                                                                                                                        (Stamp of NGO)







GUIDELINES for                                                                                      



       The main objective of the programme is to supplement the efforts of Health Department to improve the health status of the poorer sections and in particular:

  1. To improve the health status of pregnant women and lactating mothers and reduce maternal mortality.
  2. To improve the health status of children up to 6 years of age and reduce infant and child mortality.
  3. To improve health of adolescent girls and sensitize them on health issues.
  4. To improve health of general public by creating awareness regarding nutrition, personal hygiene & sanitation, harmful effects of intoxicants.
  5. To promote  Ayurveda  for improvement in general health status..
  6. To improve health care of aged by creating awareness about major diseases and promoting annual medical check for their timely detection and awareness about facilities under National Programme for care of elderly.



 The main role of NGOs in the programme will be:

  1. Creating awareness about various issues regarding health of pregnant women, adolescent girls, young children, lactating mothers and elderly from poorer sections of society through group discussion & visits to households.
  2. Persuading and where necessary helping poor people in project area to take benefit of Government schemes
  3. Persuading the intended beneficiaries to attend the outreach camps being organized by the Health Deptt. and persons above 30 years to get their annual medical check-up done in CHCs and Hospitals where these check ups are done free.
  4. Organizing camps for promoting use of Ayurvedic treatment and home based remedies.




         3.1    NGOs should also prepare a list of maternal deaths which occurred in their project area (deaths which occurred due to complications during pregnancy and child birth)

 3.2 NGOs should carry out the Baseline Survey of the area covered by the project by visit to each household in the area and record the information in the register to be supplied by SOSVA. The objective of the survey is to ascertain the position at the beginning of the project in regard to various activities which are to be undertaken so that achievement at the end of the project period can be compared with position in the beginning of the project.  It would also provide necessary information about the population under the project area required for implementation of the project.

 3.3      At the end of the survey the Baseline Analysis Report may be sent to SOSVA in the prescribed format. The survey should be completed and the Baseline Analysis Report submitted within 2 months of the commencement of the project. At the same time relevant information from baseline Survey Register should be entered in the Service Register provided by SOSVA for implementation of the project.

  3.4   Where the Baseline Survey indicates that there is no anganwadi in some parts of project area or the number of anganwadis is inadequate to allow registration of all children willing to be registered, the matter may be intimated to SOSVA at the earliest without waiting for completion of the survey so that the Department of Social Security Women and Child Development is requested to open more anganwadis in the area. Normally, one anganwadi is required to serve about 1000  population.

3.5     Further, if it is found that nutrition is not being provided to children, pregnant women and lactating mothers for more than 3 months in any Anganwadi, the matter may be taken up with project officer of ICDP without waiting for completion of the survey. If the position remains the same, details may be sent to SOSVA so that it may be taken up with the Department of Social Security Women and Child Development.



4.1.   Group Meetings:- Coordinator and Health Workers should hold separate meetings with pregnant women, lactating mothers and mothers of young children (up to 6 years age), adolescent girls not going to school and persons above 30 years age (separately for women and men, if necessary). In each group meeting there should be 10 to 15 participants (average 12). No. of group meetings to be held are indicated in the sanctioned budget. Refreshment may be provided to participants at an average expenditure of not more than Rs.10/ per participant. In these meetings, awareness may be imparted through interactive discussions on the relevant topics (Relevant IEC pamphlets may also be distributed in these meetings).

In addition to the specific issues to be discussed in the meeting of various targeted groups, it is suggested that the participants may be persuaded to go in for vaccination against Corona virus, if not already done, without any further delay in their own interest and in the interest of the community.  In some sections there has been some hesitancy which is to be overcome by explaining the benefits of vaccination which acts as a shield against COVID.

In all group discussions awareness about Aam Aadmi Clinics and facilities available in Jan Aushadhi and their location will be added.

  1.   Meetings with Pregnant Women

 (i)  Importance of having before delivery minimum 3 ANCs done and taking one IFA tablet daily for 180 days and one calcium tablet daily after 4 months of pregnancy. Need for taking iron rich food besides IFA ablets to prevent anemia.

(ii) Importance of having proper nutrition during pregnancy and availing of supplementary nutrition from Anganwaris.

(ii) Signs of high-risk pregnancies, care for such pregnancies, management of minor problems during pregnancy.                                                                                                       

(iii)  Importance of having medical check-up done from the doctor under Pradhan  Mantri Surakshit Matritav Abhiyan (PMSMA).

      (iv) Facilities available in government hospitals for free treatment including free tests,     medicines, diet during hospital stay and free conveyance to pregnant women for delivery.  Benefits of institutional deliveries. In area where there are still large no. of deliveries at home, special emphasis should be laid on persuading them to go in for institutional deliveries.

        (vi) Educate them  about the fact that girls are now equal asset for the family . Make them aware against female feticide.

      (v) Benefits available under JSY and PMMVY and procedure for availing of the same.

    (vi) The health worker should educate the women in the reproductive age who have 3 or more children about the need for limiting the family size and spacing of children and merits and demerits of various methods.


     (vii)    Where the percentage of deliveries by cesarean operation is more than 20% of total deliveries, the health worker should educate the pregnant women about the risks of cesarean operation and the need to go in for operation only where required on medical grounds.

  1. Meetings with Lactating Mothers and Mothers of Children up to 6 Years
  2. Need for having 4 PNCs as per provided schedule including 1 within 24 hours of delivery.
  3. Need for taking IFA tablet regrlarly for 4 months after delivery. Iron rich food to prevent anemia.
  • Need for giving Vitamin-A to children 1½ to 5 years age every 6 months.
  1. Exclusive breast feeding for 6 months and giving adequate supplementary food to child after 6 months, availing of supplementary food lactating mother and children from Anganwari , dealing with problems that may arise during breast feeding.
  2. Need for giving dose of deworming medicine after every 6 months
  3. The schedule of vaccination required to be given to children up to 3 years age. HW should ascertain whether the children have been given all the vaccinations due for their age and if not persuade the mother of the child to take the child to Anganwadi during next visit of ANM for vaccination.
  • Prevention and management of diarrhea and pneumonia during childhood.
  • Facility for free treatment of all children up to 1 year age and girl child up to 5 years age in govt. hospitals.
  1. Need for giving equal treatment to the girl child in nutrition, medical care and education.
  2.     Meetings with Adolescent Girls Not Going to School
  3. Menstrual hygiene, use of sanitary napkins. 
  4. RTI/STI symptoms, prevention and facilities for treatment.

iii.    Need for proper nutrition. Taking IFA tablets and iron rich food to prevent anemia, taking IFA tablets and supplementary food from Anganwaris.


  1. Meetings with Persons Above 30 Years Age
  2. Major diseases like TB, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, breast/ cervical/ lung cancer – prevention, symptoms and facilities for treatment.
  3. Facilities of cashless free treatment available under Pradhan Mantri Arogya Yojna. Hospitals in which cashless treatment is available in their area and types of treatment for which this facility is available.

                       iii.   Facilities for check up and treatment, available in upgraded PHCs and Health & Wellness  Centres.

  1. Importance of availing facilities of free annual medical check-up in CHCs/ Urban PHCs and district hospitals for early detection of any disease.




4.2    In a project in which whole or part of the area is not covered by anganwadis.

  1. a) If the population of that locality is attached with another anganwadi for purpose of Poshan, the workers under the project should help in implementation of the scheme by persuading intended beneficiaries to attend meetings under the scheme.
  2. b) If the inhabitants of that locality are not attached to another anganwadi for purpose of the Abhiyan. NGO head should meet the project officer of ICDP to request him to attach the area to some anganwadi. In case it is not done at that level he should inform SOSVA so that the matter maybe taken with Department of Social Security Women and Child Development.  Until  then, 1. In addition to the items mentioned under Sub- Para (a) of Para-4.2, the awareness in respect of following matters should also be conveyed during meetings with pregnant women.
  3. Nutrition during pregnancy, availing of supplementary nutrition from anganwadis
  4. Importance of having proper Hb level and calcium during pregnancy, foods containing iron and calcium, need for taking IFA and calcium tablets regularly for 6 months after 1st trimester of pregnancy. How to deal with minor problems that may arise with their use. Need for taking deworming tablet (Albendazole) between 4th and 6th month of pregnancy.

  iii.  Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) – procedure for obtaining its benefits.

  1. Pradhan Mantri Matritav Vandana Yojana, benefits available under the scheme   and procedure for availing of the benefit
  2. Importance of giving first milk child birth to the child and exclusive breast feeding for six months: its benefits for  mother and child.  How to deal with problems that may arise.
  3. During meetings with lactating Mothers and Mothers of Children up to 6 years, in addition to the items mentioned in Sub-Para (b) of Para-4.1, awareness in respect of following
  4. Need for proper nutrition, availing of benefit of supplementary nutrition for lactating mothers and children from Anganwadi.
  5. Importance of having proper Hb level and calcium during lactation period, foods containing iron and calcium , need for taking IFA tablets and calcium tablets regularly for 6 months after delivery . How to deal with the minor problem that may arise with their use.

iii.   Advantages of exclusive breast feeding for 6 months and how to deal with problems that may arise.

  1. Supplementary food to child after six months.
  2. Problem of anemia among children, diets containing adequate iron for the child, need for supplementing it by giving IFA syrup/tablets regularly. Availing of free distribution of IFA and calcium tablets to lactating mothers and IFA tablets to children by ASHA/ANM. Need for giving de-worming medicine after every 6 months after delivery.
  3. Household Visits.


5.1   Coordinators and health Workers should visit at least 1700(600 by each Health Worker and 500 by Coordinator) households in the project per month. During the visits they should:-

  • Check whether, pregnant women are getting due ANCs done and taking IFA tablets after 3 months and calcium tablets after 4 months of pregnancy regularly.
  • Prepare list of pregnancies which have been declared high risk during an ANC and track them on monthly basis to ensure that they get regular ANCs done, take IFA tablets regularly and have their delivery in a hospital.
  • Prepare a list of children below 1 year who were kept in sick neonatal care units and ensure that they are given exclusive breast feeding for 6 months and  proper medical treatments for any ailments.
  • Interact with beneficiaries including persons above 30 years age who cannot attend the group meetings and convey necessary information about various health issues and Govt. Schemes..
  • Persuade drug addicts, TB patients and HIV/ AIDS patients to go to specialist centres and continue treatment till cured.
  • Find Out
  1. Whether lactating mothers and children from 6 months to 5 years are getting IFA Tablets regularly.
  2. Whether lactating mothers are getting  IFA tablets, calcium tablets regularly till six months after delivery.
  3.      Whether pregnant women have got check-up done from the doctor under PM   Surakshit Matritva Yojana.
  4. Place where the delivery was done.
  5. Whether delivery was by normal or by caesarean operations.    
  6. Whether pregnant women, lactating mothers and children up to 6 years age living in area served by Anganwadi are getting nutrition from Anganwadi regularly.
  7. Whether pregnant women eligible for JSY who got delivery in government hospital have received the benefit of the scheme.
  8. Whether women and lactating mothers who are eligible for benefit of PM Matritva Vandana Yojana have received the benefit.

 9 .   Whether children below 3 years age had got all the vaccinations due for the age.

  1. Whether children between1 years up to five years got vitamin-A dose after six   month.
  2. Whether children below 6 years had got deworming medicine after every 6 months. 12. Whether the mother had received the PNC which was due.
  3. Whether children up to 6 months are being given exclusive breast feeding.
  4. Whether the persons in the household above 30 years of age had got annual medical check-up

       5.2       The information should be recorded in the relevant statement in the Service   Register for action and submitting quarterly/ half yearly/annual reports. Where it is found that the pregnant women, lactating mothers, children below 6 years, adolescent girls and persons above 30 years are not taking advantage of schemes relating to health, they should be persuaded and if necessary helped to take advantage of these schemes. In particular, pregnant women should be  persuaded to have minimum 3 ANCs, take IFA tablet daily for 180 days before delivery and 6 months after delivery, calcium tablet daily after 4 months pregnancy and  for 6 months after delivery. Special care should be given for pregnant women who are declared high risk during ANC and children less than 1 year old who were admitted in sick neonatal units.

           6    Follow up on Group Meetings and household visits.

6.1 If during the meeting, house hold visit or otherwise it is found that the pregnant women, lactating mothers and children up to 6 years age are not getting nutrition from the anganwandi for more than a month or eligible women are not getting benefits of PMMVY the HW should take up the matter with the anganwadi and, if necessary, with the Supervisor. If it is due to non-availability of supplies in the anganwadi the Coordinator should inform the NGO Head who should take up the matter with the Project Officer in the district and if the problem is still not resolved, he should immediately convey the information to SOSVA so that the matter may be taken up with the Department of Social Security Women and Child Development.

6.2.    Similarly if IFA tablets are not being distributed to pregnant women, lactating mothers and children below 6 years age or out of school adolescent girls or calcium tablets are not given to pregnant women with more than 4 months pregnancy or lactating mothers, or Vitamin-A tablets are not being given to children between 1½ years and 5 years age and deworming tablets are not being given to children below 6 years, or benefit of JSY is not being given to eligible women within one month of completion of relevant papers, the  HW should take up the matter with ANM and thereafter if necessary convey to the NGO head who should take up the matter with concerned SMO or Civil Surgeon’s office. If the problem is not resolved at that level, SOSVA should immediately be informed so that the matter may be taken up with Health & Family Welfare Department.


6.3.   If during household visits or otherwise it is found that the girls going to Govt. schools are not getting sanitary napkins regularly, NGO head should discuss the matter with the concerned authorities in School Education Department in the district. If the problem is not resolved at that level the matter should be reported to SOSVA so that it can be taken up with Department of School Education. Similarly if it is found that adolescent girls in area where these are distributed by Health Department are not getting sanitary napkins regularly, NGO head should discuss the matter with concerned officer in civil surgeon’s office. If the problem is not resolved at that level, SOSVA should immediately be informed so that the matter may be taken up with Health & Family Welfare Department.

  1. Work Plan.

     Coordinator should prepare in the beginning of the month a work plan for activities to be undertaken by each health worker and himself during the month indicating group meetings to be held, household to be  visited, Ayurvedic camps to be organized, yoga classes to be held etc. It should be ensured that the households in which there is any pregnant woman, lactating mother, children below 6 years and persons above 30 years are visited at least once during a quarter, and households in which there are any pregnant women whose pregnancy is recorded as high risk during an ANC or a child below 1 year who was admitted to sick neonatal care unit are visited every month.

  1. Outreach Camps

 NGO head should ascertain from the District Health Authorities the programme for holding outreach camps in the project area or near the area. The project staff should then persuade the intended beneficiaries to attend these camps.

If adequate no. of outreach camps are not being held in a project area NGO head should take up the matter with District Health Authorities. In case of difficulty matter should be referred to SOSVA.

  1. Annual check-up of persons above 30 years.

The NGO head should request SMO in-charge of CHC and other institutions in area a near the project area in which annual check-up of persons above 30 years age is to be done to fix  the date and time on which annual health check up of persons from project area would be done. The project staff should then persuade persons above 30 years in the project area to get their annual medical check-up done on that date

10.Camps for Ayurveda. NGO head should draw up programme for holding camps for promoting Ayurveda treatment and home based remedies in consultation with the Distt. Ayurveda Officer. The number of camps to be held is given in the budget.  The programme may be fixed by 20th of the month for the camps to be held during the next month and sent to SOSVA’s office by email. The Coordinator would then contact  the doctor from the Ayurveda Deptt. for attending the camp as resource person  and health worker will ensure maximum attendance for these camps. In these camps information will be conveyed about Ayurvedic medicines, home based remedies for common ailments and facilities for Ayurvedic treatment in Govt. dispensaries. Medicines for common ailments may also be purchased for these camps within the provision made in the budget in consultation with the Distt. Ayurveda Officer.  At least 4-5 photos of each camp showing the participants should be taken on the mobile camera and sent to SOSVA through mail and should preserved till monitoring visit by Chairman, Member Director or Programme Manager.

  1. Qualifications of the Staff :-

12.1) Project Coordinator :

Trained ANM or Multi Purpose Health Worker with 3 years experience or M.A. in Social Sciences

with experience in health or community health education.


Graduate with Multi Purpose Health Worker diploma with 2 years experience in health or

Community Health Education.

Health Worker :

Trained as ANM or Nurse or Multipurpose Health Worker from Recognized Institution or Certificate

 in Jan Swasthya from National Institute of Open Schools.


Health supervisory certificate in community health worker with 3 years experience in Maternity Ward/Nursing care centre.

Health Workers should preferably be females. If a male is to be recruited he should also be trained

as Multi Purpose Health Worker with experience in health related field and there should be at least 1 female health worker.                                  

The staff should have good communication skills & should preferably be residing within 5 kms from the Project area. No worker should be appointed who lives at a distance of more than 15 kms  from  Project area. Coordinator should have the capacity to supervise work of Health Workers and to liaison with offices from Health and other Departments.

12.2).A list of staff appointed on the Project indicating date of appointment and qualifications should be sent to SOSVA by email for information soon after appointment. If any worker resigns or is removed, SOSVA should be informed immediately through email. SOSVA should also be informed by email as soon as new staff is appointed in her place, indicating her qualification and the date of joining.

In case it is desired to appoint any person who does not fulfill above qualifications, the qualification & experience of such candidate alongwith reasons for relaxation in qualifications may be sent to SOSVA for approval before his/her appointment.

12.3) NGO heads may allow 10 days holidays in a year to the staff. A list of these holidays should be sent to SOSVA. If any change in this list is subsequently made it should also be conveyed to SOSVA. In addition, NGO head may sanction upto 1 day leave for one month service to the staff in the project. Salary should be deducted for any leave taken  in excess.  The leave register should be maintained. Leave should  be entered as soon as it is sanctioned. If Coordinator or HW proceeds on leave for more than 3 days, SOSVA should be immediately informed when she proceeds on leave and thereafter when she rejoins.

13 A)  Role of Coordinator :

  1. i) Coordinator should divide the project area between the 2 HWs. She should also keep a part of the project area with herself where she will perform the duties of HW.
  2. ii) The Coordinator will supervise the work of the HWs , obtain information from them regarding their area and prepare consolidated reports for baseline survey, quarterly/ half yearly and annual progress reports and other information that may be required by SOSVA.
  3. 14. Project Office should be set up within the Project area or very near it so that the inhabitants can contact the Project staff easily.
  4. Training :-

Training for RCH staff is organized by SOSVA out of provision made for the same in the NGOs budget. Sometimes, some staff is appointed after the training in the vacancy caused due to resignation etc of original staff. The health workers in such cases may be given training by the Coordinator or the existing health staff or sent to SOSVA office for training after fixing the date with Programme Manager. A Coordinator who is appointed after the training workshop and who has not worked on any RCH project previously should be sent to SOSVA office for training after fixing the date with the Programme Manager. The expenditure on his/her travel may be debited to the provision in the budget for training.

  1. I.E.C. Material:

16.1 IEC material will be produced centrally out of provision for the same in NGO’s budget and supplied from SOSVA to field NGOs. Record about distribution of IEC material received from SOSVA to Health Workers should be maintained by Coordinator and about distribution to target groups by Health Workers in the Stock Register. Flexes on important messages may also be produced centrally & given to NGOs. They should get these pasted at important places like PHCs, Schools, and Panchayat Ghar etc. Record of the places at which these have been pasted should be kept in Stock Register.

16.2  HWs should distribute IEC material during group meetings as per requirement of participants in those meetings e.g. material regarding care of pregnant women should be distributed in the meetings  with pregnant woman , care of young children in meetings  with mothers of young children , on adolescent health in meetings with adolescent girls etc. These may also be distributed to the target individuals who are not able to attend the meetings in their house.  A copy of the booklet regarding information on various health issues supplied by SOSVA may be distributed among all households with atleast one literate person. A copy of material may also be supplied to the peer educators. Material in Punjabi may be distributed in households where atleast 1 member can read Punjabi . In other households , it may be distributed in Hindi if there is atleast 1 member who can read Hindi.

  1. Records and Registers:

17.1        Each NGO is provided a register of household survey by SOSVA, which has to be filled on the basis of baseline survey.  Service Registers are also provided to each NGO for recording the information regarding  pregnant women lactating mothers, young children, adolescent girls and other matters . Information from Survey Registers should be entered in these Registers. These registers should be kept updated on the basis of information, which the field staff gets during the course of their visit to the field. For instance in the list of children details of the children born subsequently may be added and those who may die or cross the age of 6 years may be deleted. The name of girls who attain age of +9 yrs may be included in the list  of adolescent girls.

Similarly in the case of pregnant women the new pregnancies may be added and those where deliveries take place or pregnancy is otherwise terminated may be deleted after making entries in the relevant column.

17.2 The activities in the camps register for Ayurvedic camps should be entered at the time when camp is held.                                                                                                                     

Record regarding receipt and distribution of IEC material should also be kept in this register.

17.4 Health Workers and Coordinators will also be supplied diaries. They should record daily activities in those diaries.


  1. Reports: NGOs are required to submit quarterly, half yearly and annual reports in the prescribed proforma. Although they are not required to send the monthly reports, they should prepare these for their own record and review of performance. These will be helpful in preparing the QPRs and in showing progress to monitoring officers.




  1. Accounts:

19.1) Separate bank account should be opened for the project as far as possible . In any case , separate cashbook should be maintained of expenditure incurred out of funds provided under the Project. Expenditure incurred under each head of the sanctioned budget should also be recorded separately in a ledger. Proper receipts should be maintained of honorarium paid to the staff and  doctors. Proper cash memo /receipts or  vouchers should also be kept for other expenditure. All vouchers , cash memos/ receipts should be serially numbered and maintained in a separate file.

19.2) Where passbooks are issued by the bank, these should be got updated every month. Where bank statements are issued, these should be maintained in a separate file. Bank reconciliation statement should be prepared every month and kept in a file.

19.3) Where accounts are maintained in computer, a print out should be taken after end of every month and placed in a file so that any person visiting the project can see the same.

       19.4) If a/c books  are kept at another station the same, or their printout where accounts are maintained on computer, should be brought at the time of monitoring visit when  due notice is given before the visit. In case for any reason it is not possible to show the accounts, on the date indicated for the visit, Programme Manager should be informed at least 1 day before the proposed date by email or on phone so that visit may be made on some other date. If the accounts are not shown at the time of visit, these will have to be brought to SOSVA’s office for scrutiny at NGO’s  expenditure.

19.5)    Utilization Certificates duly audited by Chartered Accountant and signed by the Chief Functionary of the NGO are required to be submitted half yearly within 15 days of the end of half year period for 1st instalment of the grant received. Subsequently U.C. for the grant received during the whole year is required to be submitted within 15 days of end of the year. The bank interest received in the account also needs to be added to the grant received. The bank interest would become additional amount available for expenditure on the project. The amount of the bank interest received, may be spent on any of the heads in the project where such expenditure may be necessary subject to the condition that the total expenditure under any head should not exceed the budget provision by more than 10%. In case of sanitary napkins supplied to adolescent girls on subsidized rate, the total expenditure incurred on purchase of the napkins should be shown as expenditure and the amount received for supply at subsidized rate shown as receipt .

19.6) Expenditure under each head has to be within the provision made for that head in the sanctioned budget. For the sake of providing some flexibility, NGOs are allowed to spend upto 10% of the amount sanctioned under a head in excess of the amount sanctioned under that head.  Any expenditure which exceeds the sanctioned amount under a head by more than 10% will have to be borne by the NGO itself and will not be included in the expenditure incurred on the project.                                                        

Any unspent balance out of total grant + interest at the end of the year is required to be refunded to SOSVA, along with the UC by cheque/bank draft in favour of SOSVA (N) RCH payable at Chandigarh.

19.7)  Grants are now credited directly to NGO’s a/cs. NGO head should ensure that the requisite information regarding bank a/c to which the amount has to be credited are correctly intimated so that there is no credit to a wrong a/c.

  1. 20. (i) Payments of honorarium to the staff or for any purchase for more than Rs. 2,000/- should be made by cheque or by direct credit to bank account. Honorarium to resource persons can be paid by cash against proper receipt. All purchases should be supported by cash memo/bills.

       (ii) Minimum 3 quotations should be collected from vendors for purchasing any item above Rs.  2,000/-                    

  1. Preservation of Records:

Since the RCH project being implemented is funded from the grant given by State Govt. A.G. Punjab may, take up audit of the expenditure incurred on the project even after its completion. State Govt. can also ask any of its officers or an outside agency to evaluate the project after it has been completed. It is, therefore, necessary to preserve the record for at least 3 years after completion of the project. Where the grant for implementation of the project for the same area is given for 2 or 3 years, the record for the entire period should be preserved for 3 years after the end of the last year during which the grant was received.

The record to be maintained should include the following: –

  • Pass book or bank statement
  • Cash book and ledger
  • All vouchers regarding expenditure incurred on the project out of grant
  • Audited UC including statement of income and expenditure and audited balance sheet
  • Sanction letter, quarterly, half yearly and annual progress reports.
  • Guidelines and instructions issued for implementation of the project by SOSVA.
  • Survey registers and service registers
  • Stock register showing receipts and issues of items purchased out of grant.








  1. Copy of the following schemes and relevant information are enclosed:-

Anx. 1      Programme for supply of IFA tablets

Anx.2     Janani Surksha Yojna

Anx. 3     Janani Shishu Surksha Karyakaram

Anx.4      Schedule of Vaccination

Anx.5      Expected Average Weight of children in India

Anx. 6     Main Features of Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan

        Anx. 7     Main features of Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandna Yojna(PMMVY)



























  Annnexure – 1 to guidelines

Programme for supply of IFA tablets

Age Group




6–60 months

1ml of IFA syrup

containing 20 mg of

elemental iron and

100 mcg of folic acid

Twice a week throughout

the period 6–60 months of age and de-worming for

children 12 months and above

Through ASHA

Inclusion in MCP

( Mother & Child) card

5–10 years

Tablets of 45 mg

elemental iron and

400 mcg of folic acid

Weekly throughout the

period 5–10 years of

age and every 6 months




In school through

teachers and for out-of schoolchildren through Anganwadi centre (AWC)

10–19 years

100 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg of folic acid

Weekly throughout the

period 10–19 years of

age and every 6 months


In school through teachers and for those out-of-school

through AWC

Pregnant and lactating


100 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg of

folic acid

1 tablet daily for 100

days, starting after the

first trimester, at

14–16 weeks of gestation. To be repeated for 100 days

after delivery. Where Hb is between 9 gms & 11 gms 2 tablets per day for 100 days both for pregnant woman and lactating woman.


Inclusion in MCP card














Anx. 2 to guidelines


jnnI  suriKAw Xojnw ADIn idqy jw rhy lwB

jnnI  suriKAw Xojnw ADIn grIbI ryKw qo hyT Aqy AYs. sI. pirvwrW nUM hyT  ilKI mwlI shwieqw idqI jWdI hY :


  1. ipMf dIAW AorqW nUM pI. AYc. sI. jw srkwrI hspqwlW ivc flIvrI krwaux qy – 700 rupey
  2. SihrW dIAW AorqW nUM pI. AYc. sI. jW srkwrI hspqwl ivc flIvrI krwaux qy – 600 rupey
  3. e) Gr ivc jW iksy hor QW qy flIvrI hox qy jykr grBvqI dw nwEu ey.AYn.AYm. (ANM) kol rijstrf hovy Aqy jnypw ey.AYn.AYm. (ANM) , nrs jW lyvI hYlQ ivijtr (LHV) qO krvwieAw jwvy qW ipMfw/ SihrW dIAW AorqW nUM 500 rupey idqy jWdy hn


  1. grIbI ryKw qo hyT (BPL) jW AnusUicq jwqI dw srtIiPkyt ipMf dw srpMc Aqy Sihr dw imaUMispl kwauMslr jwrI kr skdw hY [
















Anx. 3 to guidelines


jnnI iSSu suriKAw kwrIXkrm

  • muPq jxypy dI suivDw (nwrml qy sjyrIAn)
  • muPq ielwj , dvweIAW Aqy ifspojybl smwn
  • muPq jWc ijvy Kun, ivSwb Aqy AltwsWauMf Awid) Aqy loV pYx qy muPq Kun cVwaux dI suivDw
  • nwrml jxypy dI sUurq ivc 3 idnW qk Aqy sjyrIAn hox qy 7 idnW qk hspqwl ivc dwKl rihx qy Kwxw muPq imlx dI suivDw
  • muPq Awaux jwx dI suivDw Gr qo ishq sMsQw qk qy rYPr hox dI sUurq ivc dUjI ishq sMsQw qk jwx qy Gr vwpsI qk dI shUlq
  • hspqwl ivc iksy vI qrHW dy XUjr cwrijj qo pUrI qrHW Cot
  • iek swl qk dy lVky Aqy pMj swl dIAW lVkIAW leI rwj dy swry srkwrI hspqwlW ivc fwktrI ielwj iblkul muPq






















                  Anx. 4 to guidelines

tIk`krn leI inrDwirq smW

inrDwirq smW


ibmwrIAW dI rokQwm


jnm dy smyN


hYpyt`eIts bI, polIE (A.pI.vI.)-0


hYpyt`eIts bI (pIlIAw), polIE


jnm qoN 12 mhIny q@k





6 h&qy


pYNt`vylYNt (fI.pI.tI.+hYpytweIts-bI

+ ihb), polIE (E.pI.vI.)





glGotU, kwlI KwsI, tYtns, hYpytweIts bI

(pIlIAw), nmUnIAw Aqy idmwgI buKwr Aqy polIE

Ksrw Aqy AMDrwqw

10 h&qy


pYNt`vylYNt (fI.pI.tI.+ hYpytweIts -bI

+ ihb), polIE (E.pI.vI.)


14 h&qy


pYNt`vylYNt-polIE (A.pI.vI.) +

AweI.pI.vI. (ie@k tIk`)


9-12 mhIny

Ksry dw pihlwtIkw Aqy ivtwimn  ey


Ksrw Aqy AMDrwqw


16-24 mhIny

fI.pI.tI. (bUstr), polIE (E.pI.vI.)

Aqy Ksry dI dUsrW  tIkw + ivtwimn

 (dUsrI Kurwk )


glGotU, kwlI KwsI, tYtns,

polIE ,Ksrw Aqy AMDrwqw

18 mhIny Eqy aus qoN

b`Ed hryk 6 mhIny

qy 5 swl dI aumr q@k


ivtwimn  ey



5-6 swl



glGotU, kwlI KwsI, tYtns

10 swl Aqy 16 swl

tI. tI .







Anx. 5 to guidelines


Expected Average Weight of Children in India








2.6 kg

2.6 kg

3 months

5.3 kg

5.0 kg

6 months

6.7 kg

6.2 kg

9 months

7.4 kg

6.9 kg

1 yr

8.4 kg

7.8 kg

2 yrs

10.1 kg

9.6 kg

3 yrs

11.8 kg

11.2 kg


















Anx. 6 to guidelines


Main Features of Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)

  • The scheme provides for free medical check up of all women with 3 to 6 months pregnancy .
  • Check ups include tests for blood pressure, sugar level, weight, haemoglobin test, blood test and screening
  • All kinds of medical checkups under this scheme are completely free


  • The check up will take place on 9th of every month.
  • A pregnant woman who attends the clinic for the tests for the 1st time need not attend it subsequently unless asked by the doctor at the clinic.
  • Light refreshments may be provided to the pregnant women attending the test.
  • Free transportation facility is also provided to the pregnant women if asked by her.
  • The tests will take place in government and private hospitals which agree to participate in the scheme.













Anx. – 7 to guidelines

Main Features of Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandna Yojna  (PMMVY)


  • All pregnant women and lactating mothers who have their pregnancy on or after 1.1.2017 for 1st child in family are eligible except those who are in regular employment in central or state government or public sector undertakings and those who receive similar benefit from their employer.
  • Cash incentive will be provided to the eligible pregnant women and lactating mothers in 3 instalments :-
  1. 1st instalment of Rs.1,000/- on early registration of pregnancy at anganwadi centre and with ANM.
  2. 2nd instalment of Rs.2,000/- after six months of pregnancy provided she has received atleast first ante-natal check up.
  • 3rd instalment of Rs. 2,000/- after child birth is registered and the child has been received 1st BCG, OPV, DPT and Hepatitis-B or Pentavalent vaccination.


  • The cash benefit will be credited directly to the bank account of the eligible beneficiary.


  • The benefits under JSY are in addition wherever conditions under that scheme are full filled.

